Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Agriculture Revolution Essay

The agriculture revolution occurred in the Eighteenth Century. It was the age of new inventions and methods which caused agriculture to boom and end the long problem of famine. The agriculture revolution also caused social and economic consequences. What are some of these methods, inventions an also, the downfalls and consequences of the agriculture revolution? In the eighteenth century it was important to improve agriculture to feed the rapidly increasing population. This meant they needed to make inventions to grow more food at a more rapid rate. This is about the time when they discovered crop rotation, which is rotationing the crop to refurnish the nutrients in the soil by switching the crops that used the nutrients in the soil with the ones that replaced it. This system gave farmers the opportunity to farm all their land at all times, instead of having to let some land set for a long period of time. Some of the important crops were peas, beans, turnips, potatoes, clovers and grasses. Other inventions like the seed drill, threshing machine, along with the enclosure of fields helped produce enough food for the growing population. The enclosure of fields was a new invention, which took a farmers scattered land and put it together in fenced in fields to farm a lot smarter and more efficiently. Not all the people of the eighteenth century went to farming in this new style, they were used to the traditional style and preferred to continue farming that way. The Low Countries and England were the main people that used crop rotation. New crops made ideal feed for animals, which meant farmers could increase their herds, which ultimately meant more meat and better diets for all. Some downfalls of the agriculture revolution meant that if a farmer wanted to experiment with new methods they would have to get all landowners in the village to agree. Enclosure didn’t seem to help the poor rural families; this meant that they couldn’t do the things they traditionally did. They liked using common pastureland to graze stock, forests and marshlands for firewood and berries, therefore the poor highly opposed the idea of enclosure and created allies with the wealthy land owners. The wealthy land owners were also against enclosure, because it required large risks and investments? The agricultural revolution had a very big impact on women; the new inventions and the machinery were much harder for them to handle. This meant women had to find another role in society, working at Cottage Industries or as Domestic Servants. The agriculture revolution was the start of a great stepping stone. The new inventions like Crop Rotation and Enclosure helped form the age we live in today. There were ups and downs to the agricultural revolution, as there is in any new ideas that are trying to be implemented. The revolution ended famine, the methods used caused distress with the poor and even the wealthy at times; they also wanted to keep the traditional ways of farming. The transformation and experimentation of new crops and systems of crop rotation was not completed until the nineteenth century. Agricultural revolution allowed farms to be more compact and increased investments. The agricultural revolution was an essential prelude to the Industrial Revolution.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Orwell’s Rules for Good Language Essay

Good written and verbal language is essential for effective communication. Writing in 1946, George Orwell points to several problems with the contemporary use of English. In his estimation, these problems lead to meaningless utterances that are unclear and imprecise. Orwell provides several suggestions for improving the use of English: avoid metaphors and over-used figures of speech, use short words in the place of long words, cut out unnecessary words, use the active voice, avoid the use of jargon by using words from everyday English, and break the rules if following them will create a statement lacking in sophistication. These suggestions can be used as a measuring stick to gauge different author’s use of the English language. The writings of three authors were analyzed using Orwell’s suggestions as a guideline, and it was found that Cuthbertson and Bush violate the principles of good English while Lutz actively campaigns for the use of clear, precise English. In â€Å"From the Right,† Mike Cuthbertson violates many of Orwell’s rules; and as a result, the writing lacks clarity, and the imagery is not vivid. Take for instance the following sentence: â€Å"To accomplish this, I full well knew that some concessions to my gardener wife would be necessary. † In this sentence, the author has some unnecessary words (â€Å"full well†) and uses a passive construction at the end of the sentence. This sentence could be more precise with the implementation of Orwell’s rules: â€Å"To accomplish this, I knew that I must make concessions to my gardener wife. † Another example of Cuthbertson’s use of the passive voice appears in the following sentence: â€Å"So rural was the area that I actually attended a one-room school house for grades one and two (no kindergarten, then) before a brand new amalgamated school was built in the village and all the area kids were bused to it. † Later in the passage, Cuthbertson uses a long, relatively uncommon word when a shorter, more frequently used word would convey his meaning just as well: â€Å"magnanimously proposed† could be replaced with â€Å"selflessly proposed. † Throughout the passage, Cuthbertson uses figures of speech that have been so over-used they have lost their punch: â€Å"under the watchful eye,† â€Å"to earn our keep,† â€Å"at that tender age,† â€Å"the fairer sex,† â€Å"my better half,† â€Å"to keep my ego firmly in check,† â€Å"to lose myself in a good novel,† and â€Å"been put in my place. † To be fair to Cuthbertson, it should be noted that he appears to have used this style of writing to serve a literary purpose, namely the evocation of his childhood years spent in a farming community and the lessons that continue to be felt in his married life. However, the author’s passive voice and over-used figures of speech detract from the imagery he seems to want to create in the reader’s mind. His communication would have been much more effective if he had created new ways of describing his situation. Alastair McKie’s compilation some of George W. Bush’s statements contains some glaring examples of poor English. Not only does Bush violate Orwell’s suggestions for good English, he appears to be incapable of constructing proper sentences and using words correctly. For example, Bush repeats a made-up word, â€Å"misunderestimated,† three times in one paragraph. In another paragraph, Bush remarks that â€Å"ticket counters and airplanes will fly. † Flying ticket counters would certainly be a remarkable occurrence! While the flying ticket counters remark is humorous, other of Bush’s statements are just confusing. Take for example, â€Å"We are fully committed to working with both sides to bring the level of terror down to an acceptable level for both. † If the United States and its allies are one side of the war on terror and the other side are the terrorists, is Bush saying that he is willing to work with the country of which he is president? Shouldn’t that go without saying? Bush, or at the very least his speechwriters, would have greatly benefited from reading Orwell’s essay, the following sentence in particular: â€Å"Probably it is better to put off using words as long as possible and get one’s meaning as clear as one can through pictures and sensations. † If Bush had a clear idea of what he wanted to say, maybe he would be better at saying it. Orwell has a further suggestion that could help Bush on his way to becoming a clear thinker who uses rhetoric more effectively. For Orwell, improvements in these areas will lead towards political improvements: â€Å"If one gets rid of these habits one can think more clearly, and to think clearly is a necessary first step toward political regeneration. † In contrast, George Orwell would have greatly admired William Lutz. Lutz spent sixteen years collecting examples of double-speak which he then compiled into a book. Some of these examples are euphemisms for the most horrid things: â€Å"dehired† and â€Å"non-retained† (i. e. fired) and â€Å"negative patient care outcome† (i. e. death following a medical procedure). These euphemisms are similar in function to those, mentioned by Orwell, intended to mask indescribable horrors of war or to rationalize abhorrent behavior. Others of Lutz’s examples are needlessly complicated phrasings of simple concepts: â€Å"Exit access is that part of a means of egress that leads to an entrance or an exit. † All those words simply indicate a way of accessing a door or window. Still other examples are merely funny: â€Å"occasional protein spill† (i. e. vomit) and â€Å"television with non-multicolor capability† (i. e. a black and white television). These examples are similar to those cited by Orwell when he speaks of the relationship between euphemisms and insincerity. He finds that when writers are insincere, they cloak their real feelings in lofty, verbose language. One hopes that with Lutz’s drawing attention to the sheer amount of doublespeak that exists in our world, people will become more aware of how empty it is and stop using it. In conclusion, Cuthbertson and Bush violate the principles of good English while Lutz actively campaigns for the use of clear, precise English. These three examples come from different genres: autobiography, speech, and non-fiction. As such, they provide evidence for the importance of good English as a communication tool in all areas of life. Orwell’s principles are effective guidelines to follow in any means of communication. After all, it is important to be clear, concise, and precise when communicating with others.

The Ceo’s Decision-Making Process Model on Service Offshore Outsourcing: Using Theory of Reasoned Action (Tra)

THE CEO’S DECISION-MAKING PROCESS MODEL ON SERVICE OFFSHORE OUTSOURCING: USING THEORY OF REASONED ACTION (TRA) Mark Yang Department of Information, Operations and Technology Management College of Business Administration The University of Toledo 2801 W. Bancroft St. Toledo, Ohio, USA 43606 Phone: (419) 787-3453 Fax: (419) 530-2290 E-mail: [email  protected] utoledo. edu Jeen Lim Department of Marketing and International Business College of Business Administration The University of Toledo 2801 W. Bancroft St. Toledo, Ohio, USA 43606 Phone: (419) 530-2922 Fax: (419) 530-4610 E-mail: jeen. [email  protected] du ABSTRACT This present study attempts to fill the gap through providing the CEO’s decision-making process model with regard to service offshore outsourcing activities which becomes important strategy to maintain firm’s competitive advantage. Arguably, the CEO is the main domain of decision making authority on such important agenda of the firm as service off shoring. The research model includes 1) key antecedents of service offshoring deriving from various outsourcing literatures, 2) CEO’s propensity (attitude and subjective norm), intention and behavior, and 3) regulatory environmental factors.As a theoretical base, Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) will be used. Managerial implication as well as future research direction will be provided. Keywords: Offshore outsourcing, Key Antecedents of Service offshoring, Decision-making process, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) INTRODUCTION Recently, service offshoring has brought the tremendous increasing attention and concern to both practitioners and researchers due to the rapidly-changing structure of the U. S. mployment and the growing importance of its significant impact on the U. S. economy. This trend has been more and more visible due to â€Å"the rise of globally integrated knowledge economy†, which has both good and bad impact on the U. S. econo my: it may be good because U. S. firms may enjoy the cost benefits, utilizing large best pools with relatively low cost; it may be also bad because they are likely to lose control of their core businesses or lose white-collar jobs of the U. S. counterpart.Up to now, large body of research has addressed the various issues of service offshoring. However, current scholarly works tend to be fragmented and especially, few attempted to examine inside of firm’s decision-making process with regard to service offshore outsourcing. Such decision-making process model may be useful to contribute to the previous – 4491 – body of research on service offshore outsourcing in that to my knowledge, very few papers produced from top management perspective (except [47]) and this process model may help top management, esp.Chief Executive Officer (CEO) avoid to make hasty decision, resulting in saving huge economic losses. This paper is organized as follows. The following section pro vides literature reviews. The third section presents the research model which includes such variables as 1) key antecedents which are major criteria for determining service offshoring drawn from the extant literatures on outsourcing activities; 2) CEO’s propensity; 3) CEO’s Intention and Behavior; and 4) regulatory environment (moderating variable). Series of research propositions are developed.The conclusion section provides the managerial implication as well as future research direction. LITERATURE REVIEW The role of top management on affecting firms’ strategy choices and performance has been well-documented [13] [14] [40] [9] [15]. Quality of leadership of top management, esp. CEO, determines the fate of the firm. For example, under Jack Welch’s leadership General Electric Company (GE) within 20 years has been drastically transformed into one of the largest and most admired company with $ 500 billion’s market value from a market capitalization o f $12 billion.It shows the critical role of CEO in advancing the firm in terms of organizational performance. Excellent outcomes start with wise and prudent decision-making. In that regard, CEO is considered the main domain of decision-making authority on important agenda of the firm such as offshoring service. Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) [12] [2] is a general model that does not specify the beliefs that are operative for a certain behavior [8]. The TRA postulates that one’s behavior is determined by his /her behavioral intention (BI) to perform the behavior.BI is divided into two conceptually distinct variables: 1) one’s attitude (A) toward performing the behavior, and 2) one’ subjective norm (SN) about performing the behavior. Once attitudes and subjective norms are formed, CEO may have inclination whether or not to make certain choices. Actual behavior is the transmission of such intention into action. Significance of the role of environment on the strate gy formulation and organizational outcome has been extensively examined [25] [29] [16] [24]. The CEO’s decision to offshore services will be greatly contingent on the regulatory environment a firm faces.The regulatory environment can, to some extent, act to facilitate or hinder offshoring. Regulation environment becomes a moderating variable that can weaken or enhance the relationship between (1) the drivers of offshoring and top management’s propensity; and (2) top management’s propensity and intention and actual behavior. RESEARCH MODEL The research model is about the CEO’s decision making process on service offshore outsourcing. It includes four key antecedents (i. e. , decision-criteria) of service offshore outsourcing and the CEO’s propensity, intention and behavior.This model also attempts to examine the moderating role of regulatory environment between (1) the key antecedents and the CEO’s propensity; and (2) the CEO’s propensi ty and the CEO’s intention and behavior. Cost Advantage ([18] [19]) Cost advantage refers to the extent to which a client firm can achieve cost reduction, productivity or profitability through service offshore outsourcing activities. One of the most commonly quoted reasons is that managers feel that they can gain cost advantages by employing – 4492 – outside suppliers to perform certain services and produce certain products.Cost reduction remains the major explanation for the drivers of outsourcing. Some researchers argue that an important foundation of cost reductions is the outsourcing firm’s access to economies of scale and the distinctive know-how or expertise that a large outsourcing vendor (i. e. , supplier) can bring. [4] [32] Nohria and William [30] discovered that to be a steady industry winner, a firm must increase its productivity by around twice above than the industry’s average. There are a number of studies that focus on explaining th e relationship between outsourcing and productivity growth.Today’s knowledge and service-based economy offers numerous opportunities for wellrun companies to increase profits through outsourcing [30]. When used properly, outsourcing can boost profitability to the firm in many ways (i. e. , staffing, capabilities, facilities, and payroll, etc). The most obvious reason why a firm offshores services is also for cost advantage. In regard to offshoring activities, wage differential (i. e. , lower labor cost with comparable quality of work) between U. S. and other developing countries motivates top management to offshore. Risk Control ([17])Risk control refers to the degree to which a client firm control the risk such as amount of involved outsourcing value (i. e. , scale of the contract), outsourcing complexity (i. e. , level of contract difficulty) and outsourcing duration (length of the contract) that might occur through outsourcing. Management needs to assess and evaluate the r isks and their impact at various levels such as strategic, tactical and operational levels [43]. The level of contract complexity also can influence on the level of risk. Complexity refers to the degree to which activities are diversified with the outsourcing function.The more complex a contract is, the more risky its implementation is. Length of contract duration [19] can affect the complexity of an outsourcing relationship. When an outsourcing contract’s duration requires a longer period of time, both diversity of business relationships and complexity of contract management increase. As a result, longer duration contracts expose the outsourcing company to greater level of risk due to managerial uncertainty. Infrastructure Maturity ([17] [23]) Infrastructure maturity refers to the degree to which both firms (i. e. , client and vendor) have developed telecommunications (i. e. Internet and mobile telecommunication) and transportation (i. e. , logistics, 3PLs) infrastructure. T echnology advancement makes organizational and national borders less significant when it comes to the decision regarding relocation of service functions. Telecommunication infrastructure is essential for electronically transmitted services. Lack of telecommunication system will be a hurdle for trade with U. S. Transportation infrastructure refers to the availability of logistics. The increase in competition and growing awareness of the role of logistics lead more companies to exploit the potential of outsourcing.Cultural Compatibility ([20]) Cultural compatibility refers to the degree to which both firms (i. e. , client and vendor) can interchangeably accept cultural dissimilarities including language (i. e. , English), ethnic linkage, or cultural difference. In the context of a firm’s offshoring decision, language similarity between a client and vendor firm is important. Language similarity is measured by the extent to which a vendor firm is exposed to English (i. e. , Engli sh fluency). Ethnic linkage is also important for offshoring outsourcing service activities. Ethnic linkage between the managers of both firms (i. . , client and vendor) in origin and destination countries increases cultural compatibility. Such – 4493 – linkage improves social capital [45]. Cultural difference refers to the degree to which firms may not accept a counterpart’s culture. These cultural differences may increase difficulties associated with managing employees. We propose that four factors that have influenced firms’ outsourcing decision will affect to some extent firms’ service offshoring decision. Therefore, we regard these four factors as the key antecedents of the CEO’s decision for service offshore outsourcing.Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) In firms’ decision-making for service offshoring, CEO is the key person who actually involves in that process with collaborative effort of top management and board of directors. Ac cording to TRA, attitude toward offshore outsourcing services is generated by the individual’s salient belief about the consequences of adopting service offshoring practices (behavioral beliefs) and evaluation of these consequences (i. e. , positive or negative outcomes). Positive feelings toward offshoring will lead top management to form optimistic attitude, in turn intention to behave (i. e. willingness to offshore outsourcing services). After careful examination of the four key antecedents, i. e. , cost advantage, risk control, infrastructure maturity, and cultural compatibility, the CEO forms positive or negative attitude toward offshoring. Subjective norm is generated by the normative beliefs that the person attributes to what relevant others (i. e. , social referents) expect her to do with respect to adopting offshoring services as well as her motivation to comply with those beliefs. Social referents possibly include firm’s board of directors, stockholders, firm ’s customers, or CIO [47].The strength of social referents’ normative belief and motivations will actually determine the CEO’s final decision to offshore services. Once attitudes and subjective norms are formed, the CEO may have inclination whether or not to make decision for offshoring services. In turn, actual behavior will be transmitted from such intention. The above discussions lead to: Proposition 1: The key antecedents of service offshore outsourcing, (a) Cost Advantage, (b) Risk Control, (c) Infrastructure Maturity, and (d) Cultural Compatibility will have a positive impact on top management’s attitude and subjective norms to offshore outsourcing services.Proposition 2: Top management’s positive attitude and norms that was formed through careful assessing key antecedents of service offshoring will have a positive impact on top management’s actual behavior (i. e. , both intention and decision to offshore services). Moderating Effect: Regulatory Environment ([17] [20]) Regulatory environment refers to explicit regulative processes, existing laws and rules that influence offshoring outsourcing [49]. In this case, government plays a major role.For example, in case of offshoring software industry, government can affect restrict or facilitate the import and export of equipment, software, or data across the country. Government is also the main enforcers of intellectual property laws (i. e. , patent, copyright) 36]. Companies in the U. S. will not choose to offshore key functions if they are concerned about the security of key processes or products [37]. Generally, three types of regulatory factors can be categorized: 1) Tariff/ Non-tariff barriers; 2) privacy laws and 3) rule of law.We propose that above regulatory environment factors will play moderating roles in affecting the relationship between the key antecedents and the CEO’s final decision to offshore outsourcing services. Proposition 3: The relationship between (1) the key antecedents and the CEO’s propensity and (2) CEO’s propensity and intention and behavior for offshore outsourcing services will be moderated by regulatory environment. – 4494 – Table 1: Key constructs (Definitions and Supporting Literatures) Construct Definition Literature Cost Advantage (CA) The degree to which a client firm can achieve cost reduction, operating efficiency (i. . , productivity) or profitability that is related to economic benefit through service offshore outsourcing activities Smith et al. , 1998; Jiang et al. , 2006; Jiang et al. , 2007 Risk Control (RC) The degree to which a client firm controls the risk that might occur through service offshore outsourcing activities, risk such as amount of involved value (i. e. , Scale of the contract), complexity (i. e. , Level of contract difficulty) and duration (Length of the contract). Smith et al. , 1998 Stremersch et al. , 2003; Carson, 2007; Jiang and Qureshi, 2006; Jiang et al. , 2007 Infrastructure Maturity IM) The degree to which both firms (i. e. , client and vendor) have developed telecommunications (i. e. , Internet and mobile telecommunication) and transportation infrastructure. Cultural Compatibility (CC) The degree to which both firms (i. e. , client and vendor) can interchangeably accept different cultural backgrounds including language (i. e. , English), ethnic linkage, or cultural difference. Kshetri, 2007 Regulatory Environment (RE) Explicit regulative processes, existing laws and rules such as trade barriers, privacy laws and rule of law that influence service offshore outsourcing activitiesScott, 1995; Jahns et al. , 2006; Kshetri, 2007 Jahns et al. , 2006; Metters and Verma, 2008 Figure 2: Theoretical Model Key Antecedents Cost Advantage (CA) Risk Control (RC) Infrastructure Maturity (IM) H1 The CEO’s Attitude and Subjective Norms toward offshoring Hservices 3 (PROPENSITY) Cultural Compatibility (CC) H3 Regulatory Environment (RE) – 4495 – H2 The CEO’s DecisionMaking to offshore services (INTENTION) (BEHAVIOR) CONCLUSION Nowadays, outsourcing and offshoring decision is not an alternative option to choose but a mandatory passport to lead firms to sustain competitive advantages over rivals.In this regard, this paper seems to be of less value because many firms offshore service jobs anyway. However, the key antecedents that were shown in present study may help management as useful decision tools and become critical in succeeding to reap the full benefits of the offshoring activities to the firm. This is a meaningful attempt to go inside of firms’ decision-making process though it may not be perfectly useful for managerial decision. It is primarily because through this model, management can rethink before they launch the service offshoring activities, asking themselves â€Å"why we pursue† and â€Å"then, how we can reap the full benefits. This present study attempted to c onsider four key antecedents of service offshoring which are important decision-credentials for top management, esp. CEO to offshore. Although these are not direct determinants of service offshoring decision, they are the ones in which firms need to consider before actual decision is made in that they encompass different aspects. Cost advantage and risk control are considered economic aspects. Since cost elements are always one of the most important reasons for firms’ decision of certain activities, cost advantage and level of risk control needs to be carefully examined before initial launch is kicked off.Infrastructure maturity is considered environmental or infrastructural aspect. Availability and development of telecommunication and transportation infrastructure is critical for service offshoring—its fast and reliable delivery. Lastly, cultural compatibility is considered cultural aspect. Language (i. e. , English) fluency, ethnic linkage, or cultural difference wil l actually determine long-term relationship between a client and vendor firm across the country.These decision-criteria will help top management to consider the different aspects of offshoring activities, which are economic, environmental (infrastructural) and cultural dimensions. This present study also identified three different aspects of regulatory environment which are trade barriers, privacy laws, and rule of law. Trade barriers are associated with a relation-type regulatory factor in that they determine the magnitude of relationship between countries which are involved in offshoring activities.Privacy laws are coupled with a risk-type regulatory factor in that lack of privacy laws will make a client firm to be exposed to information (data) loss. Rule of law such as political institution, court system or sound citizenship is linked with security-type regulatory factor in that poor rule of law (i. e. , vendor firm) is regarded as major obstacles to offshoring and cause to criti cal security problems. For future research, three major works need to be done. First, to make empirical study possible, measurement items for each key antecedent and CEO’s propensity, intention and behavior need to be developed.For operationalization of key variables, more refined work should be continued. In this case, both secondary data and survey method may be appropriately used. Second, for completeness of the model or further analysis, outcome and performance measure might be added. Third, for extension of this paper, it might be an interesting attempt if general decision-making process model which includes other top management teams and board of directors is provided. * References Available Upon Request (Mark Yang: [email  protected] utoledo. edu) – 4496 –

Monday, July 29, 2019

Organizational Structure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Organizational Structure - Essay Example As mentioned in the case, Nissan Company is facing certain problems and due to these problems the productivity and efficiency is affected to a great extent. The company owner aims to make the company improve its operational efficiency and produce better results. Organizational structure as mentioned earlier is of three kinds centralized, decentralized and departmentalized structure (Clark & Fujimoto, 1991). These structures can be adopted in order to make a company powerful and successful one. Centralized structure is a structure with the help of which decisions can be taken as a whole. People will work together by sharing their thoughts, feelings, ideas and will generate better results. Whereas decentralized structure is a structure with the help of which problems can be resolved easily if there are any. And departmentalized structure is a structure with the help of which one can extend the department line in order to gain more profits in a particular market, geographic area etc. One of the well known companies, Nissan, when enters in its fiscal year 2009 tries to change its organizational structure as directed by its Chairman Carlos Tavares as mentioned in the case. ... The company should introduce new and innovative ideas in order to have a joy of everyday driving (Wickens, 1987). The company should also strategically consolidate its operations across other countries too in order to have a diverse economic zone. In addition to this, different operation committees should be established who should be responsible of making different decisions, the decisions should be performance based so that they can easily judge that what they should do in order to make their company perform better. One new and a different organizational design should be there in order to enhance the future growth of the company. Marketing, sales and the support system should be managed more locally because they are the one who are suppose to respond to the needs of the local markets. Similarly the supply chain management should work more logically and with different set of strategies in order to keep a check that whether the company is functioning properly or not. Various holistic approaches should be taken in order to do something different so that it will be very much easy for the company to compete with other companies. RECOMMENDATION 1 The company should adopt centralized structure. Centralized structure is a structure with the help of which all the decisions are made only at the level of the firm as a whole (Dalton et al., 1970). This structure will tend to increase the decision making level of the company too and with the help of this structure the company can generate better results. This organizational structure also allows the firm to avoid all the low performing activities and also to coordinate across its all divisions. Therefore, if there

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Accounting Standards Update 2014-09 Revenue from Contracts with Research Paper

Accounting Standards Update 2014-09 Revenue from Contracts with Customers (Topic 606) - Research Paper Example the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) agreed upon modifying the existing standard of revenue recognition (Accounting Standards codification 605) in Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and publish Accounting standards update 2014-09 (AICPA, 2014). The paper aims at understanding the implications of the update in context of revenue recognition in a broad manner. Alongside, it will also highlight impact of the new development in terms of improvement in financial reporting. Revenue is a very crucial element of the financial statement as it helps investors and other interested parties of an organisation in assessing the financial performance as well as position of the company with respect to others in an industry. It was observed that significant differences existed between revenue recognition principle of US GAAP and that of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). It was also ascertained that both the standards required certain improvements so as to improve the overall quality of financial reporting (Gallistel, et al., 2012). The previous revenue recognition guidelines in the US GAAP integrated broad concepts with various revenue requirements that were industry-specific; this process complicated the overall system of reporting. Contrastingly, IFRS revealed very limited information which made it difficult to account for complex transactions. The new revenue recognition guidance replaces transaction specific and industry specific revenue reco gnition measures with a principle based approach which is more specific in nature (Ernst & Young, 2014; PWC, 2014a). The boards, FASB and IASB, responded to the above mentioned challenges by developing a converged set of requirements that meet existing issues in US GAAP and IFRS. The guiding principle of the new standard aims at ensuring that companies recognise revenue for depicting transfer of goods and services to consumers in an amount which

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Factors of Optimizing Performance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Factors of Optimizing Performance - Assignment Example This essay explores the benefits of time management that include: an individual or group becomes more productive; feels less stressed, individuals are able to do the things they want, ability to relate more positively with others, individuals and groups get more things done. In order to be a good time manager, an individual needs to have strategies or understand methods that will help him or her manage time effectively. Different scholars have come up with various principles and methods of effective time management. There are ten methods of effective time management and these include the following: know what you want to achieve, focus on activities that add value, get a life, plan it out, stay focused, work expand to fill allotted time, do similar tasks together, say ‘no’, work in your prime time and lastly prioritize. Cole identified these ten principles and said that they act as the basis for an effective time management strategy. In knowing what you want to achieve it is imperative for an individual to set goals so as to be able to work towards the attainment of the set goals. It is important that you set the major goals first because these give your personal and work life a structure and purpose. After setting the major goals it is important to set the minor goals and these are important because they lead to the attainment of the set major goals. For example, for the author's case had begun as an operator of Grade two at ANZ and aspiring to be the operation state manager, my small goals are to be proficient in one job, gain experience, go for further learning before applying for the Job. All these will contribute to my attainment of the position as a state manager.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Family of the Hearts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Family of the Hearts - Essay Example My whole family lives in China and I spending my time alone in America for education. From my experiences of living alone, I have realized that family is one of the most important parts of my life without which I feel very lonely and sad at times. Beginning of my life in America without an authentic family was not all smooth sailing. I faced many difficulties in the start regarding education, residence, and social integration. I did not have anyone from my family with whom I could share my problems freely. I lived in a host family but there I felt loneliness and social isolation because I did not feel easy at sharing my issues with others and that situation led to misunderstandings between us at times. I did not have a good understanding of the foreign culture because of which I faced difficulty in making friends and communicating with the people of other cultures. Living in the host family, there were too many procedures for me of all dissimilar cultures to understand. For example, I had to understand the norms and values of different cultures in order to be able to communicate effectively with the people of those cultures. Similarly, I had to understand the emotions and way of life of other people in order to become a functioning and responsible part of the host family. One thing that I noticed in America was that all the young adults of that country are so independent that they do not have any sentiments to be taken care of by their parents. They think with their own mind, plan things on their own, and do what they feel right. In short, I would say that they do not leave it for their parents to think about their future.  

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Assignment 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Assignment 6 - Essay Example Most of our research and other students spend most of their time in the computer labs doing research and assignments as required of them. Last year, several computers began failing and we recognized the problem but not any of the repair alternatives or parts replacement have wholesomely fixed computers. Four of the workstations were out of order for many months and for that reason; the students were short of computers to use. I have done my investigation and now propose for the purchase of Nautiz x5 handhelds in the form of in-the-field barcode scanning, therefore research projects across a range of sciences will be able to catalog items and take inventories as required by industry standards simultaneously creating a cyber-infrastructure that researchers and educators will tap into to be more efficient in their work. Details Suggestion We need to purchase Nautiz X5 handhelds for our fieldwork since its performance will be just fine and the ruggedness is good. Pairing bar-coding with Nautiz X5 handheld will allow a diverse set of pilot projects to test the ability to increase efficiency, productivity and integrity in data flow - streamlining data collection, sample processing, database management and analysis, and speeding time to publication. It will also work well in the class room; the screen and keyboard are handy and therefore will allow our ecology group to barcode so many samples and even our geochemists, tracking them individually and in groups through the analytical process. They also will be able to survive being dropped, getting wet or dusty and also handle changes in temperature. I suppose, based on the high quality and reliability of the Nautiz hardware, this will be the most economical and concrete solution to our present problem. Details evaluation The evident benefits to the students will be as follows: Improvement in data collection processes for academic researchers in the field, Increasing data management capabilities and streamlining the acad emic-publishing process Has a long life battery Has a day light viewable screen To give our research students an edge over other universities Recommendation I propose that we use barcode-scanning on multiple projects with the rugged, field-proven Nautiz X5 rugged handheld, which creates simple forms to collect data while simultaneously creating a cyber-infrastructure of data peers can tap. Nautiz X5 is competitive, mainly in the range of rugged handhelds, which have a propensity to be super-high-end systems. This will strengthen our educational needs for undergraduate research students for conducting their research and experimental courses. I therefore ask for an approval by 30th November to place an order with Malcolm Handhelds and Office Suppliers for deliveries to start in January 2013. Appendices Comparison table Title Features Capabilities Costs Nautiz rugged X5 handheld Processor: Marvell PXA320 Xscale 806 MHz Memory: 256 MB RAM, data storage-512 MB Flash, operating system- wi ndows mobile 6.1,screen-3.5" VGA TFT LCD, 480 x 640 pixel, daylight viewable, keyboard - Numeric keypad, optional QWERTY,battery-4400 mAh, all day operation with default settings, rechargeable LI-ion, communication- CCX Cisco Compatible extensions Integrated GPS SiRF III with Instant Fix II GSM/UMTS

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Graphic Organizer for content area English Coursework

Graphic Organizer for content area English - Coursework Example Additionally the Bible also clearly endorses multiculturalism arguing that God created Human race in his image and diversity only resulted from Gods divine command to the human race to increase in number and fill the whole earth. Lastly, with regard to the universality of the church, the Holy Scriptures encourages people of different cultures, races, languages and classes to come together in their faith and reconcile their differences. This was particularly evidenced during the Pentecost when people of different languages spoke in their native tongues after receiving the Holy Spirit. (Acts2:8-12). The other cultures are only different because they exist in different locations. For example, people living in the deserts will always have a different living style from the people living in the forests. Multiculturalism is therefore a reality and we must all appreciate the diversity of other cultures. According to Hernandez (2001), our assignments and lesson plans should include the diverse needs and perspectives of different cultures because no culture is superior to the others. Lastly, some of the strategies that can be employed in the classrooms to design lessons from a global cultural perspective include, using differentiated instructional plans, encouraging indigenous knowledge and being sensitive to racial and cultural differences (Ford and Harris,

KPMG case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

KPMG case - Essay Example Company had initial public offering in 2004 with a par value of $0.50 Price per share as of year end of 2007 plunged to $12.00 from $15.75 of 1st quarter quote with an EPS of $0.69. The company had approximately 9,500 holders as of February 29, 2008. This part will show trends of profitability, liquidity and solvency using ratios for the three year period. The trend analysis will present any significant fluctuation or movement in the three year operations that will have an impact in its financial operations. It will also be compared to industry sector using industry index as benchmark. (Reuters) Analysis will be presented in 3 parts, profitability, liquidity and solvency ratios. (See Annexes 1 and 2) Definition of financial terms provided by Investopedia. The comparison of the financial performance of the company against the industry (Reuters) where TMH belong and trend analysis of its own performance provided an insight on the strengths and weaknesses of the company and is presented below. Cash flows of the company consist of retained earnings and proceeds from loan transactions. The cash flows are used to pay debts, interests, taxes and other operating expenses. Retained earnings are not sufficient to fund payments for interests, taxes and long term debts. Accounts receivables and inventory of homes locks up cash for operations and affects cash flows. A slow turn over of accounts receivables and inventories reflects problems in the efficiency of management. The usual 120 to 180 loan repayments should be looked into as large amount of cash is tied up into this. 3.2. Complexity of underlying transactions. The sale of mortgage manufactured home contracts to unrelated financial institutions involves complex transaction particularly to default payments of mortgage borrowers. Recent economic crisis saw foreclosures of mortgage properties in financial institutions, and these losses could be passed on to TMH in cases of default. 3.3. Extent to

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Effects of franchised and international fashion stores on local Dissertation

Effects of franchised and international fashion stores on local clothing retailing and its relation to global marketing stratgie - Dissertation Example This situation analysis has been assessed and promulgated customised strategy under the â€Å"Global Marketing Strategies†. We have collected data relating to the Saudi woman and their frequency of visiting particular band irrespective local or international, and also Saudi market itself to harness what are the marketing mix positioning and strategy practiced in domestic shape. We have observed and analyzed different global marketing strategies which can help us to identify the gap in current strategy of retail mix in Saudi Arabia under current Global market strategies. This paper has dissected all the elements to identify this point in final state by breaking them in questionnaire. This fact based analysis will help to understand the upcoming competitive era with specified factors identified to contribute in greater extent to promulgate strategies for retail industry in Saudi Arabia. Research Word: Retail Industry, Retail marketing mix, Saudi franchised international brand, G lobal marketing strategy. 1. Introduction Saudi Arabia is getting very competition intense economy where most of the international brands are interested to invest and derive good revenue from the strength of local purchasing power. Many international events in Saudi Kingdom are now approaching for the foreign investment and it is arranging many exhibitions. Main area where most industry is developing for foreign trade in Dahahran, Jedda and Riyadh. In these are apparel having a important space. Diagram: Significance/ Capacity of venue From this chart we can see what are the factor’s that the Saudi woman considers for the purchasing of any clothing in retail stores. From this analysis and form the global growth of 15% for the retail fashion industry. In this point the strategy which is highly depending on the marketing mix composed of people, place, product and promotion varies significantly and contributed widely in business profitability. Ongoing brand consciousness and the strong purchasing power we can see that the international incentives to invest in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Based on this potentiality of this industry more research, information and facilitation form the government has to plan for the local retail store so that they can compete and survive with global competition. Eventually the local store can keep the customer demand in more customized way, but the fact is the taste ans culture is getting more global than particular land. We have summarized some research to support our existing research that we can continue the quantitative research based on this base of qualitative or exploratory research made by Amani Aqeel in 2012. Saudi women’s purchase intention from the total sample of 20 customers shows the figure above to prove the factors and their intensity. These summary reports can help us to pursue the further research in greater details of qualitative and quantitative extent. 2. Research aim-(Given/ Made by customer) 3. Re search Objective-(Given/Made by customer) 4. Literature Review- 2 pages Since 1853 , Levi Strauss used to believe as one of the most popular international fashion retailers all over the world. Upon continuing their operation after long years of time worldwide they have started their strategy to make standardization practice to meet the goal of meeting economies of scale and core

Monday, July 22, 2019

Descartes & Hume Essay Example for Free

Descartes Hume Essay Rene Descartes was a rationalist, meaning he thought that reason alone, not sensation or experience, was the source to attaining knowledge about the eternal truths of the universe, such as mathematics, epistemology, metaphysics and the existence of God. He excluded physics from this list, admitting that knowledge of physics only comes through experience (Descartes). Regardless, his rationalistic epistemology made it so that Descartes could only accept the truth about something if it was based upon a principle that was clearly and distinctly certain. Innate, a priori knowledge is fundamental to Descartes philosophy. A priori refers to any knowledge that is attained without appealing to sensation (O’Connor, Class Notes). Being a rationalist, he completely doubted every sensory experience he had ever had. Sensation is ever-changing and sometimes misleads or deceives us, so according to Descartes, trusting in an experience of sensation to provide us with any kind of universal truth would be foolish (Descartes). Whereas rationalism directly focuses on reason as being the only way to attain knowledge about the world, empiricism concentrates fully on all knowledge being a posteriori, or attained through experience and sensation. In an obvious way, David Hume’s empiricist epistemology directly contrasted Descartes rationalism, specifically by how he believed humans can attain knowledge. According to Hume, humans understand the world by experiencing different perceptions: impressions/sensations and ideas/thoughts. The amount of force and vivacity of the perception allows humans to differentiate between the two. Impressions and sensations are more forceful and lively since they are a product of direct experience. Ideas and thoughts are simply weak recreations of the original impressions that were perceived. While Descartes believes that certain ideas are innate, such as the existence of God, Hume absolutely denies the possibility of innate ideas. He claims that humans could never fully know or comprehend anything beyond our impressions. If an impression is not perceived, then it cannot be acknowledged. Since our knowledge is limited to the impressions we perceive, we have no real way of comprehending causality, instead it is often confused with correlation. Cause and effect events tend to occur in close temporal order, but that does not mean we can know whether those events are intrinsically related or not. Instead, we can only place our faith in the customs and habits of human life. Oppositely, Descartes believed we gain knowledge a priori, and we can only know that which we have clear and distinct justification for. In order to justify what we know, we cannot appeal to anything except for reason. Lastly, we must judge those justified ideas by applying Descartes’ specific and logical method of reflection. Thusly, by accepting Descartes’ method, the universal and eternal truths of the world can be known.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Post Harvest Management of Fruits

Post Harvest Management of Fruits India, a place of variations of different agroclimatic regions, rich in diversified horticultural flora. India being the largest producer of fruits and second largest producer of vegetables. But unfortunately the average Indian remains aloof from the basic requirements of fruits and vegetables. As a result of which there is a huge gap between gross production and net availability. All these is because of the inefficient post harvest management ,a significant portion of production is lost after harvest. Post harvest losses accounts to approximately 25 – 30 % of production. Just to feed the bursting population of india, maximising alone the production and productivity will not be enough. Efficient post harvest handling and processing is mere essential to make available more food (fruits) to the mankind. Post harvest losses of fruits: Post harvest losses of fruits can be defined as a loss in quantity or quality or both that occurs after harvest and till the produce reaches to the consumers. There may be physical loss, physiological loss or biological losses. Physical loss: it occurs due to injury in fruits at the time of harvesting,handling and transportation. Physiological loss: it occurs due to physiological processes of respiration and transpiration. Transpirational loss of moisture results in shriveled appearance of the commodities. Biological losses: it occurs due to macrobiological and microbiological agents like bacteria, fungi ,yeast etc. Post harvest management practices: Sorting or grading: Sorting is done in order to discard rotten, damaged, diseased, misshaped and overriped fruits before spreading infection to other healthy commodities. Grading is a form of grouping the fruits according to the firmness, cleanliness, size, weight, colour, shape and maturity. Washing: The produce is cleaned or washed in order to remove the dirt, dust ,insects, moulds .exception – onion, garlic, okra, mushroom are not washed. For surface decontamination , Chlorinated water(100 ppm) is effective.after this,the fruits are again washed with clean water. Curing: Curing is a means of natural wound healing process. It is a process of forming a corky layer against water loss and infection. Waxing: It is a process of application of waxy layer on the skin of the fruits to reduce moisture loss, shrievelling and to extend the storage life. Paraffin wax, carnauba wax and various resins are common types of waxes used. Waxol is a common coating material. Pre-cooling: The process of removal of heat from the just harvested fruits particularly during hot weather is called pre cooling. It helps in decreasing the transpiration rate, respiration rate,ripening providing an ease to transport and storage. The methods are room cooling, forced air cooling, hydro cooling, vacuum cooling etc. Hot water treatment: It is a process of eradicating or killing the infectious organism on several fruits. For inactivation of infection by Phytopthora sp. In tomato and oranges , Colletotrichum in papaya, mango and crown rot in banana , dip in hot water at 50+- 2degree C for 1-2 minutes. Hot water treatment of mango results in uniform ripening. Vapour heat treatment: It is termed as an ecofriendly treatment mostly applicable for fruit flies mostly mango. It is initially expensive and cannot be used much by small and marginal farmers. Total treatment time for mangoes is approximately 195 minutes. Regulation of ripening: Ripening of fruits like mango, banana can be regulated or is carried out in special treatment rooms with controlled temperatures with low application of ethylene. Release of ethylene occurs where fruits along with etherel alkaline solution is placed in a closed chamber. Ripening process is delayed and extension of shelf life is done by removing ethylene from storage atmosphere using ethylene absorbent. Packaging: Packaging is a process to assemble the produce into convenient units of handling and to protect the produce during distribution , storage and marketting. It is a means of prolonging the storage life. For packaging cushioning materials should be used.(paper shreds, paddy straw, thermocole). Packaging of fresh produce is done with bamboo baskets, sacks, wooden or plastic crates etc. corrugated fibre board(CFB)cartons being polar now a days for transport of fruits as they are of lighter weight and cheaper cost. Aseptic packaging, modified atmospheric packaging and controlled packaging are some new innovations of packaging. Transportation: It is a phase of movement of fruits from one place to another, performed by, means of rail,truck,airplane and ship.effective transportation doesnot help if there is no proper many developed countries pallets are used for trading of horticultural produce. Marketting: Fruits have a high degree of perishability so marketting problems are more in fruits. NHB(National horticultural board) provides good market intelligence service for horticultural products.NDDB, HOPCOM are few of marketting organizations for benefit of growers and consumers. Storage The process of maintaining life processes of fruits upto a required level till it reaches the consumers avoiding market glut is called storage. Methods: Refrigerated storage – storage of perishable commodities at the lowest temperature without any chilling injury is refrigerated strongly retards moisture loss and spoilage by microorganisms. Controlled or modified storage- it is a process of adjusting the atmospheric composition of air surrounding the fruits different from that of normal air. it involves reduction in O2 and elevation of CO2 concentrations. Hypobaric storage- it is a form of storage in which the produce is stored in partial is maintained to the desired low pressure by vacuum pump. It is limited to high value crops. Zero energy cool chamber- this zero energy cool chamber works on the principle of evaporative cooling using locally available materials like brick, sand and compared to surrounding atmosphere the temperature in the chamber is less. Conclusion : Post harvest loss is even more serious than that of production loss. It is impossible to deny from complete protection of post harvest losses but it can be minimized to some extent by following some of the modern cultural,harvesting,handling,marketting and processing techniques. Thus it must be kept in mind that operationalization of improved post harvest technologies must be intensively developed in our country through technology refinement, industrial liasion so that we don’t face any productive losses and people can acquire nutrients from fruits to the most , as per requirements. References.: Name of the books 1. Post harvest management of horticultural crops. Edited by M.A. MIR, G.M. BEIGH, HAFIZA AHSAN QUAZI NISSAR AHMAD, H.R.NAIK,A.H. RATHER. 2. Basics of horticulture. Editor – K.V Peter. Chapter no. 11. Post harvest management of fruits and vegetables, page no 497-506. Champ ,b.r ,highley ,E and Johnson ,G.I 1993. Post harvest handling of tropical fruits .proceedings of International conference held at Chiang mai,Thailand 19-13 july 1993. Mitra ,S.K .1997. postharvest physiology and storage of tropical and subtropical fruits CAB international new york. Salunkhe, D.K and Desai ,B.B 1984 post harvest biotechnology of fruits. Vol1 2 .CRC press, florida. Rao , S.D .V 2004 pre storage treatment for minimisation of post harvest losses in fruits . training manual on minimisation of post harvest losses in fruits organised by IIHR, bangalore.

Applications of Counselling Psychology

Applications of Counselling Psychology Case Study D: Psychodynamic Formulation Pete is a 34 year old male, self-referred to therapy due to his recently developed fear of dogs that is disrupting his work and social life. He also feels distressed by his recent separation from his partner Sarah, which he attributes to job promotions and extra work responsibilities. Pete appears to be consuming large amounts of alcohol on a daily basis and has become solitary in an attempt to manage his feelings of low mood, hopelessness and fear. Based on developmental theories (Freud 1905, Erikson 1950, Bowlby,1969), research suggests that’s individuals are deeply influenced by physical and emotional experiences, as well as the emotional atmosphere they are exposed to in early life (Kegerreis, 2010). Consequently, the most beneficial orientation to help explain and overcome Pete’s obstacles would be from a psychodynamic approach. This is a suitable orientation for this client as it addresses the past influences on Pete’s current fears and anxieties. Further background information, reveals Pete is the youngest of two siblings and has never suffered from phobic episodes or holds history of any previous mental instability. Importantly, Pete recalls parental tension and conflict throughout his childhood up until his parents divorced when he was aged 11 and also expresses a divide between himself and his father caused by family tension, which is still relevant today (See Kalmijn, 2013). Most significantly, Pete recalls a particular memory from his childhood in which he spent a uncomfortable weekend at his father’s home and only gained comfort through spending time with his father’s Alsatian dog. Based on the underlying influence of past events throughout Pete’s childhood, the preferred psychotherapeutic orientation for this client’s clinical formulation would be based on a psychodynamic theoretical perspective. This psychodynamic formulation acknowledges that it is through predisposing factors that Pete may be experiencing an underlying unconscious fear of relationship breakdown. A fear that is precipitated by both conscious and unconscious thoughts and feelings that stem from his childhood and are increasing levels of anxieties regarding his relationship breakdown with wife Sarah. It is reasonable to presume that the current trouble between himself and his wife, thought to be caused by extra work responsibilities, has resurfaced these childhood memories consequently triggering his new found phobia of dogs. As this is a completely new phobia it can be suggested that it is actually a displaced fear based on experiences within his past and further perpetuated by memories of his parents failed relationship. Freud (1915) believed that all human behaviour has a significant meaningful and motivated purpose in which anxieties and fears are very often connected with a combination of hidden feelings from the past. Often these feelings from childhood become repressed and proceed to manifest themselves as other negative symptoms in adulthood. Seemingly obscure behaviours, such as Pete’s recently developed fear of dogs, can attempt to be explained by unconscious motivations from which hidden meanings can be interpreted and it is reasonable to presume that the initial fear of which Pete has sort help for was triggered by feelings of anxiety and stress brought on by his increased employability responsibility and the impact this had on his current martial relationship. However, Pete’s fear of dogs is not the leading concern and there appears to be one central pervasive issue underlying the current problems in Pete’s life which can be traced back through his personal history. Re inforced through the use of Malan’s (1995) Triangle of persons as a means of relating transference matters between Client and therapist, it can be observed that Pete possesses a main underlying fear of relationship breakdown which has manifested itself as a displaced fear of dogs, subsequently based on Pete’s childhood memories, lack of relationship with his father and feeling towards him as the main antagonist in his parents failed relationship. Supported by research (Cui Fincham, 2010), it appears that Pete is predisposed to possess such fears due to influential events in his childhood, mainly the breakdown of his parents relationship and the tensions and conflicts this created as a result, further reinforced by his mother’s recalled negative view that â€Å"marriages never work.. they just end in hurt†. In an unconscious attempt to resolve these problems and alleviate symptoms of anxiety Pete has begun utilising the consumption of alcohol in an attempt to remain in control over his life. However this behaviour is in fact maintaining and reinforcing Pete’s problemsand a basic principle of the Psychodynamic model proposes that internal unresolved conflicts derived from early childhood development tend to repeat themselves in adult relationships if not resolved. These maladaptive behaviours are further perpetuating his current problems and increasing Pete’s fear and belief that this relationship b reakdown is out of his control and the past will indefinitely repeat itself. As based on the rationale that an individual’s behaviours and cognitions are influenced by unconscious thought processes and emotions from within the clients past , it is suggested that psychoanalysis would be the most beneficial treatment. The classical technique of psychoanalysis is based on conflict theory (Erikson 1950) and places emphasis on both the past and present with the aim of making the unconscious conscious. It is also widely renowned for its ability to help clients develop insight into the cause of deep-rooted problems that stem from childhood through the exploration and clarification of the clients expressed thoughts and feelings (Compton, 1990).In this way Pete is encouraged to engage in free association and express any thoughts that arise during the session. This allows the therapist to try and reveal the unconscious thoughts and memories possessed by the Pete, in order to make sense of the origins of the problem Throughout the sessions Pete will also be encou raged to engage in transference and transfer feelings he has towards important people in his life, such as his parents onto the therapist as a means of understanding the influential relationships within his life (Freud, 1914). In order to represent the interactions between these elements diagrams shown in Figure 1 an 2 (See Appendices) will be utilised (Malan, 1979,1995). It is generally proposed that Pete would attend around 4 sessions a week in order to provide a setting to explore these unconscious patterns, and try to make sense of them solely concentrated on the achievement of a cathartic experience through analysis. Appendices Figure 1. Triangle of Persons (Malan, 1995) Figure2. Triangle of Conflict (Malan, 1979) References Auld, F., Hyman, M. (1991). Resolution of inner conflict: An introduction to psychoanalytic therapy. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Bowlby J. (1969).Attachment. Attachment and loss: Vol. 1. Loss.New York: Basic Books. Compton, A. (1990). Psychoanalytic process. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 59, 585-598. Cui, M., Fincham, F. D. (2010). The differential effects of parental divorce and marital conflict on young adult romantic relationships.Personal Relationships,17(3), 331-343. Erikson, E. H. (1950).Childhood and Society. New York: Norton. Freud, S. (1914), Repeating, Remembering and Working Through, Standard Edition, 12:147-56. Freud, S. (1905).Three essays on the theory of sexuality. Se, 7. Freud, S. (1984a).The unconscious. In A. Richards (Ed.),The Pelican Freud library: Vol. 11. On metapsychology: The theory of psychoanalysis (pp. 159–222). Harmondsworth: Penguin. (Original work published 1915) Kalmijn, M. (2013). Long-term effects of divorce on parent–child relationships: Within-family comparisons of fathers and mothers.European sociological review,29(5), 888-898. Kegerreis, S. (2010).Psychodynamic Counselling with Children and Young People: An Introduction. Palgrave Macmillan. Malan, D. H. (1979).Individual psychotherapy and the science of psychodynamics. London: Butterworths. Malan,D. H(1995).Individual psychotherapy and the science of psychodynamics(2nd ed). Oxford:Butterworth-Heinemann.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Day the Noise Stopped :: essays research papers

A woman is sitting in her old, shuttered house. She knows she’s alone in the world because every other living thing is dead. The doorbell rings. She answers the door to find nothing but the wind. She looks to the left, then to the right and back to the left. She has a puzzled look on her face. â€Å"What in the world is going on†, she thinks to herself. Janet runs to the living room, picks up the phone and calls her sister. No answer. â€Å"A fluke†, she thinks to herself. She dials her best friend, again, no answer. She is starting to panic at this point. Janet calls everyone in her address book, including her brother in China. She gets no answer from anyone. Janet walks outside and finds nothing but dirt, empty cars and houses. She sees bicycles left lying in the street, as if the children were snatched off them while riding away from something. Janet walks down what used to be a beautiful street, lined with oak and willow trees. What she finds now is a desolate world in which she seems to be alone. Janet continues to walk, not realizing that hours have passed. Hours without any trace of life, not even a blade of grass. She is trying to sort things out in her mind as to how this could be. Alas, she comes up with the answer, or so she thinks. She is talking aloud as she walks because she knows she will go crazy if she doesn’t hear something. â€Å"While I was sleeping, I did hear a loud screeching noise. I thought it was just a dream. I did hear a lot of screaming, and what sounded like pandemonium in the front of the house. I think we were under attack. Yes, that must be it. They have dropped nuclear bombs on us and wiped out all of God’s creations. But, can it be? Who would do this? Why am I still here? Why didn’t I die too?† Janet remembers when she was a young girl and her father told her of a story about their old, run down, house with magic shutters. He said that his father had met an Indian Medicine Man during his travels. Her grandfather helped the Medicine Man’s son. He performed an emergency surgery on him that enabled him to live a long, prosperous life. The Medicine Man didn’t have anything to offer in return.

Friday, July 19, 2019

alcohol Essay -- essays papers

alcohol Substance abuse and addiction are major problems in society today. Every segment of society, regardless of race, gender, or age is affected. Some of the substances that are used grow naturally, where as others are manufactured illicitly or even legitimately in laboratories. They may be smoked, inhaled, ingested, or injected and used for social, religious, or self-medicating purposes. The substance that are abused include caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, steroids, stimulants, depressants, heroin, ANd cocaine. Substance abuse and dependence were first described as disease process in the 1960s with the introduction of Jellinek’s work on alcoholism. Dependence on alcohol and other drugs is now accepted and is classified as a psychiatric disorder. Substance abuse ranks high among serious health problems. Since 1979 illicit drug use and alcohol consumption have declined, but the widespread use of and dependence on these substance continue. Nicotine, now classified by the Food and Drug Administration as an addictive substance, is linked to more deaths annually than AIDS, cancer, and other substances combined. Alcohol is also a major social problem today. Use and abuse of alcohol are a factor in contributing to injuries and death. The cost of substance abuse is increasing in our society. Lives are lost, and loss of work productivity costs millions of dollars each year. Alcohol is a factor in 40% of all motor vehicle accidents, and alcohol and other drugs are often implicated in boating or athletic accidents. Cost include not only lives lost but also medical care, long-term services to the disabled, and increased insurance rates. Health care cost for clients use alcohol, drugs, and nicotine are estimated to be greater than $160 billion annually. It has been confirmed that there is link between violence and alcohol and other drugs. Alcohol and drugs is a factor in vandalism on college campuses, date rape, sexual assault, and domestic violence. Under the influence of alcohol and drugs, young adults are more likely to engage in unsafe sexual practices, and parents are more likely to abuse their children. Certain factors place some individuals at greater risk than others for the development of abuse and dependence. Biological, psychological, or environmental conditions may predispose a person to the development of a drug or alcohol pr... ...up influence, disciplined drug-free lifestyles; examples include Phoenix House and Day Top Village. Drinking while pregnant can cause serious damage to a new born baby. Dysmorphic Features of FAS include: Microcephaly (small head circumference below 5%) Small palpebral fissures (eye slits) Flat nasal bridge Smooth or indistinct philtrum (ridge above upper lip) Thinned upper lip Flattening of mid-face Others: epicanthal folds, low set or mildly malformed ears Counseling is a useful and effective means it can be administered on an individual basis or in family counseling. Support groups would be another effective mean to support a person with substance-related disorders and their families. There are many groups modeled on the Twelve-Step approach of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Other groups include Narcotics Anonymous (NA), Al-Anon, Nar Anon, Children of Alcoholic Parents (CAP), Smokenders, Ala Teen. These are a few of the self help groups that can be contacted in our communities to help those who are abuser or have friends or family members who are abusers. Most of these groups are free of charge and are conducted by people who have abused and are now recovering.

Thursday, July 18, 2019


Sec. 002 Team 1| GB 214 Operations Analysis: Chipotle Mexican Grill | Assignment 3: Supply Chain| | 1. Major Components/Inputs of the Product & Suppliers Chipotle uses several suppliers when ordering and receiving their food products. Chipotle’s main objective is to provide food with organic and naturally grown backgrounds. Because of these values, Chipotle prides itself in using suppliers that follow their guidelines of â€Å"food with integrity† structure, by meeting the requirements and goals for food safety, animal welfare, sustainability, and social accountability. Chipotle’s customer service manager, Shannon Kyllo, stated in her email that the company continuously changes its suppliers to source the best ingredients and also provided a list of their vegetable and dairy product suppliers. Calavo growers, Index Fresh and Mission Avacados supply Avacados to Chipotle, and their Romaine lettuce and cilantro suppliers are Taylor farms and Church Brothers. Daisy a nd Smith Dairy supply Chipotle with Sour Cream and the company gets its supply of cheese from Meister Cheese, Petaluma Cheese and Glanbia. Coca-Cola is Chipotle’s supplier for beverages and has had this contract since McDonalds were Chipotle’s main investors. 3 Also, the Mcilhenny Company supplies Tobasco as a condiment for Chipotle. 4 The industry leaders in Fast-food restaurant kitchen appliances are Southbend, Globe, Frymaster, Blodgett, Food Service Warehouse and Insigner. These companies are the top players who supply kitchen appliances to the major fast-food Chains, like Chipotle. 5 2. Type of Supply Chain and ServicesChipotle’s supply chain is unique from other fast casual restaurants and service firms, and does not have a set traditional supply chain. Of the four main supply chains, Chipotle’s supply chain resembles the Assemble-To-Order (ATO) supply chain the closest. This is because the customer has complete freedom of what ingredients go into t heir burrito/bowl/salad/etc. , but only with the ingredients that are behind the counter. So in that case, there is not complete freedom in designing a meal, but the customer can choose and amount of ingredients to be included in their food item.However, this is not set in stone, for their supply chain also contains elements of other supply chain methods, such as the Build-To-Order (BTO) supply chain, for the customer has some opportunity in the customization of their product (meal), but are limited to the design parameters (set ingredients) set by the firm. The stages of Chipotle’s supply are fairly simple. It starts with the acquisition of the raw materials (ingredients) that are shipped to one of their 22 independently owned distribution centers. 6 These ingredients come from within a 350 mile radius of the distribution center.The ingredients are then shipped out to the restaurants, where all of the ingredients are prepared in-house with the exception of the barbacoa and t he beans. Once the ingredients arrive at the restaurant, they are prepared and placed out ready to be made into burritos/bowls/salads/etc. When a customer comes to a Chipotle, they simply wait in line, then once at the counter, go down the assembly line of ingredients and chose which specific ones they want to include in their meal. When they are finished constructing their item, they pay the cashier and either take their meal to-go or have a seat in the dining area in the restaurant. 3. Supply Diagram (See Attachment 1) 4. Supple Chain/ Operations Strategy Chipotle believes that their unrelenting effort to revolutionize fast food through their unique way of production and people cultures will help them to move forward in building a valuable company for their stakeholders. 6 Chipotle focuses on its product differentiation, market segmentation, operational excellence, and customer intimacy. 6 The product assembler to customer stage in chipotle’s supply chain directly aligns wi th its focus on operational excellence and customer intimacy in its operations strategy. Chipotle explains their goal of operational excellence with its statement, â€Å"The natural flow of our restaurant layout, including the floor plan and the design of our serving line, are designed to make the food ordering process intuitive and, we believe, more efficient. † The customers deal somewhat directly with the manufacturers of chipotle’s product in their stores with the assembly line. 6 Customers have limited choice in overall product but some choice in the specification (ingredients that go in their order) of the product. The assembly line allows customers to get their food fast and assemble then limitedly build their order. 6 All of this allows for a high degree of customer intimacy during the service. 6 The raw materials to distributor to product assembler stages reflect with chipotle’s focus on product differentiation and market segmentation. 6 Chipotleâ€℠¢s strategy is influenced by the fast and high quality food market. 6 Chipotle states, â€Å"Serving high quality food while still charging reasonable prices is critical to our vision to change the way people think about and eat fast food. 6 Chipotle serves â€Å"food with integrity† and part of the way they make this possible is with their supply chain. 6 The raw materials stage is the suppliers/outsourcers that provide the high quality ingredients that go into Chipotle’s product. 6 These go to distribution centers (distributor), which are all relatively close to the product assemblers (stores). 6 The food is then prepared by the product assemblers. 6 This allows Chipotle to have high quality, fresh food and makes them specialize in product differentiation. 6 5. Outsourced ActivitiesChipotle mentions that it currently sources most of its key ingredients like chicken, pork and beef from a limited number of suppliers. 6 But at the same time chipotle ventured into local outsourcing in 2008 when they launched a pilot program to outsource all its organic pork products for its Charlottesville, Va. , location from a local supplier, Polyface farms. 8 They felt that using local organizations to outsource would help them have fresh ingredients and ensure that the respective source follows their â€Å"food with integrity† motto. After the initial success of Chipotle, the executives realized that they had to improve one of their products — the shredded pork which they used in almost all their food items. 9 This is when Chipotle found an advertisement for the farmers of Niman Ranch, a pork supplying company. 9  Steve Ellis took interest in this supplier after he sampled some of its organically grown products. 9 Chipotle’s spokesman, Chris Arnold, stated after Ellis tried the pork: â€Å"What so impressed Ellis, in addition to the quality of Niman Ranch pork, was the way in which the Calif. based company raised its animals, from feedi ng practices to the land on which the hogs roamed. †9 The Niman Ranch experience completely changed the way Chipotle selected from their food suppliers, them having contracts with ranches in the Midwest for pork and livestock helped them cover a larger geographic region and facilitate the demand for Chipotle Mexican Grill. 9 Along with Niman Ranch, Canadian suppliers and duBreton Farms also supply pork to Chipotle. â€Å"Most of the chicken on the menu is supplied by Bell & Evans of Fredericksburg, Pa. , which also supplies to natural and organic retailers like Whole Foods.Chipotle gets its beef primarily from Loveland, Colo. -based Meyer Natural Angus and Golden, Colo. -based Coleman Natural Meats, in addition to smaller processors†. 9 6. Other Activities That Could Be Outsourced Chipotle produces several of their food products in house. After obtaining the necessary raw materials from outsourcing activities and suppliers, Chipotle then creates their signature salsa, g uacamole, crispy tacos, and tortilla chips. 10 These items are produced at least twice a day (Harris). Chipotle chooses not to use a supplier or outsourcing partner to make each of these products for specific and different reasons.For example, Chipotle's salsa is made internally to ensure a unique customization process (Harris). 11 Because Chipotle offers 4 different flavors and spiciness of salsa, Chipotle restaurants create their own salsa to offer customers a variety of choices that cannot be accurately duplicated by external outlets (Harris). 11 Guacamole is also prepared in house to provide Chipotles' customers with the best flavor possible. Chips and crispy tacos are internally created for the same reasons. 12 Chipotle takes pride in freshly preparing these signature items as well.As noted by customer service agent, Shannon Kyllo, Chipotle creates these in house items because of CEO Ellis's background within the culinary field and Chipotle's strive to produce fresh food the wa y they see fit, stating, â€Å"We're perfectionists. . . he [Ellis] is first and foremost a chef and he wants to maintain a high standard. . . They [Chipotle] have a saying that if you want to do something right, you have do it yourself so that is what we do† (Kyllo). 13 Because of Chipotle's internal processes, the restaurant chain believes it is producing the best and most unique experience at every location (Kyllo). 3 See Attachment 1 Work Cited 1. http://www. chipotle. com/en-US/talk_to_us/supplier/supplier. aspx 2. Shannon Kyllo. â€Å"Supplier list†. Email to Shrivats Agarwal. 22 Feb. 2012. 3. http://academic. mintel. com/display/294296/? highlight=true#hit1 4. http://www. rehobothfoodie. com/index. php/Rehoboth-Beach-Reviews/Mexican/chipotle-mexican-grill. html 5. http://www. foodservicewarehouse. com/equipment/c3040. aspx 6. http://www. sec. gov/Archives/edgar/data/1058090/000119312511039010/d10k. htm 7. http://www. triplepundit. com/2011/06/chipotle-moves-loca l-sourcing/ 8. ttp://grist. org/sustainable-farming/protein-we-only-serve-white-meat-here-excerpt/ 9. Petrak, Lynn. â€Å"Food With Integrity. † National Provisioner 221. 9 (2007): 22-26. Business Source Premier. Web. 17 Feb. 2013. 10. http://angelagarbes. com/2011/03/01/food-with-integrity-short-on-humanity/ 11. Ronnette, Harris. â€Å"Reply from Chipotle . † Message to Cam Amoroso. 20 Feburary 2013. E-mail. 12. http://www. chipotle. com/en-US/menu/fresh_cooking/fresh_cooking. aspx 13. Shannon, Kyllo. â€Å"Reply from Chipotle . † Message to Cam Amoroso. 21 Feburary 2013. E-mail.

Challenges in Nursing: Increased Childhood Obesity Essay

advanced nurses encounter many difficulties while fulfilling their theatrical bureau as a patient pleader, educator, and partner. angiotensin-converting enzyme major(ip) task nurses atomic number 18 confronted with is the outgrowth epidemic of baby birdishness corpulency as younger patients argon organism hard-boiled for serious conditions usu onlyy associated with adult patients. fit in to the American Nurses Association article, rubbish puerility Obesity, approximately 13 million free weighty minorren in the United States, and the rate of childishness corpulency has increased from 14.8% in 2003 to 16.4% in 2007 (J wizards, 2010, p.1). These poesy atomic number 18 alarming to healthfulnessc be sufferrs much(prenominal) as nurses as this issue has gravid from a common disease to an epidemic. childishness obesity is a challenge for nurses due(p) to cultural, socio-economical, and physiological barriers however, overcoming these matters allow for take ke en enterprisingness from nurses as they educate p bents and children of the wideness of red-blooded living.Cultural BarriersWhen breaking flock the barriers of childishness obesity, one material portion is culture. Many cultures have different views on the determining factors of obesity. Penn and Kerr (2014) explain, childhood obesity is a topic of dietary neglect, with p arental choices causing impairment to a childs health and well-being (p.20). Parents have a major impact on their childs daily activities and overall routines thru chilblained customs such as misfortunate consume habits and sedentary lifestyles. As a result, these practices are superimposed on the child spy these type of behaviors. Many parents instigate behavioral factors in obese children by make their children eat everything on their plate. Children grow up with this learned behavior of eating unhealthy meal proportions, and it trends continuously through generations. Likewise, children who do not see their parentsactively enmeshed in physical activity tend to develop the same fitness practice. As parents acknowledge the risk factors for childhood obesity and become better parting models, childhood obesity will become obsolete.Socio-economic Barriers scotch deprivation may pose significant problems on many different levels in a society where many families are living from one pay confine to the next. The cost of healthy food is comfortably higher than the cost of fast food, commodious meals, and school eat. Fast food set up often offer dollar menus with foods that are high in fats, sodium, and MSGs. Grocery stores in scummy income areas have a poor selection of fresh produce and original food, yet the same grocery stores are abundantly stocked with boxed and wintry meals full of preservatives. Federally funded school lunch programs are not sufficiently financed to provide a nutritional variety to children. Berkowitz and Borchard (2009) state, foods which childre n are routinely exposed shape preferences and inhalation (p. 3). This suggests that children will eat the foods that are ready(prenominal) to them. Eating fruits and vegetables is a solution in decreasing caloric intake of fatty food thereby reducing obesity associate issues.Physiological BarriersPhysiological barriers associated with childhood obesity encompass aspects that inhibit a childs bodily intention and psychosocial wellbeing. Today many children prefer to move in sedentary activities such as watching television/ typifying tv set games instead of going outside to play on the playground (Rabbitt and Coyne, 1995, p.731). Inactivity leads to weight gain and decreased vitality by slowing down the childs metabolism. Weight gain reflects a childs physical appearance, which is an element that influences a childs self-concept. The way a person view themselves and how otherwises view them are established throughout adulthood. A sedentary lifestyle as a child affects relation ships with peers by causing bullying, social isolation, and low self-esteem. It is also a precursor to other illnesses that may last throughout life. change magnitude physical activity aids in overcoming the obstacles related to childhood obesity.Effects on Nursing and Nursing InterventionsChildhood obesity has an effect on nursing by the increased number of medi rallying cryy interact children with serious conditions such as nub disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and asthma thence creating a vast spectrum of challenges related to this epidemic. Nurses may enlighten parents in a non large(p) way by identifying defining characteristics of childhood obesity. Information can be provided to fulfil awareness through sharing run intoable literature and clear health related statistics. School nurses can actively counselor for healthier lunch options to be do available in schools and help children and parents understand healthy proportions by putting together nutritious selection s. Nurses may promote manage routines that children and their family can actively participate in by implementing strategies that are cohesive to the interests of the children. These interventions will reverse childhood obesity by incorporating a collaborative effort among nurses, parents, and children. endingThe rising epidemic of childhood obesity is an area of concern in American health care. Nurses experience direct effects of childhood obesity as children are being treated in school clinics, primary care offices, emergency rooms, and other healthcare facilities. Nurses face many challenges while educating patients on the importance of lifestyle changes that influence a healthier way of life. Cultural, socio-economical, and physiological barriers are challenges that must be considered in the process to overcome childhood obesity. The nursing role transitions from an educator to a patient advocate and finally a partner along with other stake holders such as parents, schools, com munities, food and beverage companies, as well as government officials in the initiative to create an equal chance for all children to live a healthy life. This opportunity may be created through educating the commonplace on the factors of obesity, maintaining access to affordable healthy foods, encouraging healthier eating habits at home and school, and developing a child friendly exercise regimen. Since the fight against childhood obesity is a great concern, much work must be make in the effort to resolve this issue.ReferencesBerkowitz, B., Borchard, M. (2009). Advocating for the legal community of childhood obesity A call to action for nursing. The Online Journal of retail stores in Nursing, 14(1), 1-9. Jones, Trinna. (2010). Fighting childhood obesity Taking a stand to control an epidemic one child at a time. ANA Issue Brief, 42(4), 1-3. Penn, S., & Kerr, J. (2014). Childhood obesity the challenges for nurses. Nursing Children & novel People, 26(2), 16-21. doi10.7748/ncyp 2014. Rabbitt, A., & Coyne, I. (2012). Childhood obesity nurses role in addressing the epidemic. British Journal of Nursing, 21(12), 731-735.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

How does Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman reflect society at the time? Essay

Death of a Salesman by Arthur milling machine deals with unity mans struggle in achieving victor and how outside influences such as m maveny, family and make up hostel influence an individual. Willy Lomans sad character has a lot of perspicaciousness to it, and to consequently understand such profoundness we must look in to the order of magnitude that is around him and indeed the playwright Arthur moth miller. Willy Loman is wad apart from the rest of parliamentary procedure as he relies upon a different lap of values and motivations everyone else rests on.From the measure, that Death of a Salesman was scripted there were m all accounts on how the States was going through a bunk war fond and economic upheaval. It was non only Arthur Miller but in any case Tennessee Williams who began creating a series of protest plays whilst functional with radical theatre companies. The history that had gone(a) before them formed many of the major themes that defined their chara cters along with the explanation of the social pressure that is exerted on them. Dignity liberation and self-assurance that Miller saw as one legacy of the social put in that without a doubt left a mark on Miller, which preempt be seen in his creation of the character Willy Loman. This include the sense that promises made by a monastic order that come alonged so secure were betrayed. The barricade that prevented the world from becoming chaotic became tenuous with the betrayal of the promises that were made.Greed for success has eaten in to the minds of countless individuals especially those who fled to the States in order to give The American intake. People in this civilisation argon desperate to climb and do whatsoever it takes to achieve success no subject area which they hurt in the process, this is particularly sheer in the character of Willy Loman as his expect of money consumes him up until the point he shamelessly commits suicide. It can be argued that Willy Loma n does non choose this destructive inhalation because it is constrained upon him by confederacy.The ideas that epitomize the American reverie are that which Willy Loman constantly tries to achieve wealth, fame and boilersuit success. The play of Death of a Salesman on the surface appears to be about one mans quest in becoming a well-liked salesman. On well-nigh levels, Willy feels as if he is obligated to set up this intake that society has inflicted, however look at his character in insight it is Willy who feels trapped by this ideate. The American dream is presented as the dream to perplex with no other been organism acceptable.Willys certain dream resurfaces at certain points inwardly the play, the dream that has been forced in to his almost subconscious mind living on his own in the country were he can raise his family and live glowering the land. This dream only resurfaces when the dream he is trying to achieve (The American Dream) does not go according to plan, f or instance when Willy plants seeds in his garden. Willys true dream is the kindred dream that his son Biff wishes to achieve in the climax of the play. It is Willy that makes this dream seem impossible for Biff to achieve as he is forcing him in to the false dream of the well liked salesman. Willys final stage at the end of the play appears to be out of love for his family.He does this so that his family can have his life damages thus completing the dream of beingness wealthy, he continues to have the go for that he will complete the false dream that he is living. Another prime undercoat for Willy Loman to carry out his own cobblers last is that he will free his sons of the excite to finish the unfulfilled dream, therefore background them free to create his own dreams. This reflects society again as in the time that parents have continuously been pressured in to promote their child to succeed in life. microphone Lesage makes the very powerful statement it was society who stripped him of his dignity, piece by piece. It was society who stripped him of his lifestyle, and his own sons who stripped him of hope.The way Willy treats his wife Linda is a enjoin reflection of the way in which women in society at the time would have been treated. In the United states women were not inclined equal rights until around the early 1970s. At this point, they were given the simple pleasure of a credit card however they had to birth their husbands name on it. However, during the time Death of a Salesman was write women were still in the battle for bazaar treatment and equal rights. The way in which Miller displays this is by not including any strong female figures in the play. The repression of women in society at the time mediocre caused them to be held back, something that a fast maturation country such as America could not afford to do.Eliza Kazan once said, Willy is one vast contradiction, and this contradiction is his downfall This reflects Willys undecide d attitudes on pride, success and his affair, which therefore portrays Willy Loman as a casualty of the free-enterprise(prenominal) concept. It becomes evident from this play how society can be very judgemental on the good deal within it. The protagonist, Willy Loman is used by Miller to portray the prejudice a society has on a person. Willy Loman becomes alterd in many different ways, for instance being fired from his job and the feeling that he has been segregated from his own family. All of the actions that alienate him validate the discrimination of a prepossess world.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Child and adolescent health Essay

Child and adolescent health Essay

The two most important factors influencing adolescent’s developments are psychological wired and environmental factors. As they grow, they are influenced by environmental factors such as religion, culture, Schools and religion. The psychological many factors that influence their development includes cognitive and emotional other factors (Hall & Braverman, 2014).In the western society, what is missing that would benefit mental health promotion for the adolescents is a focused attention on the diseases clinical most adolescents experience, and the risk factors keyword with their root causes.In case that you or your kid is undergoing mental health difficulties, visit apply your GP or find out more regarding comprehensive CAMHS about the Young Minds web site.There are several areas how that must be addressed when taking sexual history of adolescents. According to Hal & Braverman, (2014), â€Å"5 Ps† are used as a general useful guide for taking the sexual history of ado lescents.Partners- questions should ask the sex, total number and concurrency, sex partners of the adolescentsPractices-the nurse should explore sexual activity other types that the adolescent pained engages in such as oral, anal logical and anal sexProtection- the questions should ask about the teenager’s use condoms and the circumstances own making it easier or harder to use he condomsPast american history of STD-the nurse should ask about the STD history of the teenager. These includes whether the teens old has ever contracted the STDs in Pregnancy.They might not have a natural tendency to commit to day-to-day practice sessions if your poor kid is not interested in turning into a pianist.

Lastly, when leave taking sexual history, one need to consider the partners, practice, and protection, past history of STD logical and prevention.ReferencesHall, C., & Braverman, P. K.Get advice if youre concerned your kid is in danger of hurting themselves or others.(2014). Hot topics in early adolescent health.Merrick, J. (2014).While the approach of the team is they operate in tandem.

adoptive Parents and guardians play a massive role in how our therapy.Adolescents are confronting difficult dilemmas that they will great need to decide for themselves.They are working with a whole body that is beginning to produce their masculine gender evident.Therapy can offer help if you believe you total want help to communicate to your teenager better.

Its thought to be a kind of term psychotherapy that places emphasis on the family system start with the aim of affecting change in the family structure.Behavior therapy is comparable.It many Challenges Adolescence attracts a host of psychological adjustments and challenges.Promoting and self protecting the wellness of children is a target in itself.