Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The African Lion Essays - Lions, Leopard, Panthera, The Lion King

The African Lion The lion is known as ruler of the wilderness on account of its tremendous size and savage appearance, the most well-known sort of lion is the African lion. The African lion has the family species Panthera (puma, panther) leo (lion). Panthera leo has the regular name lion and originates from the felidae family. Panthera leo is in the mammali class and has the request carnivora(Bush Gardens, 1996). Lions live in sub-Saharan Africa in prairies and semi-parched fields in prides which is a gathering of lions that live in a similar zone and offer chasing duties(Bush Gardens,1996). Lions are the main really social feline species, typically a pride comprises of two guys, seven females, and any measure of whelps. The lionesses are normally sisters or cousins that have all been together since birth. The normal develop male stands four feet at the shoulder, says something around 450 pounds and is around eight and a half feet long in addition to his tail. The female then again is impressively littler and tips the scales at a normal of 300 pounds. Lions for the most part have a light or dim earthy colored plain immaculate coat, white covered lions are in some cases found in southern Africa yet they are false pale skinned people (African Savannah). The male lion arrives at sexual development at five years old years and the lioness-which is the female lion, arrives at its sexual development at four years old. Lionesses in a pride ordinarily enter rearing season together and later conceive an offspring simultaneously which permits the lionesses to share nursing and other maternal obligations. The lioness is pregnant somewhere in the range of 98 and 105 days until it brings forth a normal of 3 whelps, lamentably just one of those offspring will endure the main year of life because of the cruel conditions in their living spaces (Bush Gardens, 1996). During childbirth the fledglings are visually impaired and move moderate. The fledglings weigh under five pounds (Wild Animals) and are set apart with spots which once in a while remain on their legs and midsection until they are completely developed. (African Savannah). At the point when the fledglings arrive at five months old enough, they gauge a normal of fifty pounds however they despite everything act energetic like a little cat. As a rule, when the offspring arrives at nine months old enough, their spots vanish. At the point when the fledglings go to the age of eighteen months, the mother instructs them to chase (Comptons 1993, 1994). The male lions have an earthy colored mane which becomes darker and more full as the lion ages (African Savannah) and at three years old the mane gradually begins to appear. The normal lion in the wild that lives past the age of one lives somewhere in the range of 15 and 18 years and arrives at its prime or time it is the most grounded at eight years old (African Savannah). Lions eat a wide range of prey and for the most part chase at night(Comptons,1993, 1994-African Savannah). They like to eat wildebeast more than everything else, shockingly they can possibly do so when relocation brings the groups through the prides run. When the wildebeast crowds are not relocating they eat bison, zebra, gazelle, giraffe, and warthogs (African Savannah). At the point when prey cannot be gotten, lions will take food from different creatures as a rule from the hyenas. In the event that positively no food can be discovered, lions should go to a final hotel of eating snakes, termites, peanuts, organic products, and even bad wood (Wild Animals). Albeit just one out of four chasing occasions is effective, prevailing guys consistently eat first, lionesses next, and the offspring are compelled to battle for scraps and extras (Bush Gardens, 1996). Because of the reality the lion is idle up to twenty-one hours every day and does all their chasing around evening time, they must have the option to see around evening time (Bush Gardens, 1996). The size of lions eyes are greater than people and lions just need one 6th of the measure of light people should have the option to see (Garman, 1997). Lions additionally have numerous other extraordinary qualities that assist them with chasing and endure, some are recorded underneath. The grown-up lions thunder can be group up to five miles away, this can be an admonition that there is gatecrashers or it can help manage wandered

Saturday, August 22, 2020

International Finance and Law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Worldwide Finance and Law - Assignment Example A nearby examination of these two depictions of a similar item gives two unique items. In the principal archive, it is clear that the brokers are managing steel ingots, while in the subsequent record; we can't derive which items the merchants are managing. The main thing we make certain of, as a bank is that they are managing ingots. I would not respect the Letter of Credit, and all things considered, would not make any ensuing installments towards the record. This is on the grounds that the record discusses an item that is totally not the same as the one in the agreement of offer. Thus, the bank would be at risk for respecting a Letter of Credit that has such type of disparities, and all things considered, would be subject to pay any measure of obligation brought about by the harms acquired from this agreement. Besides, it would be hard for the bank to follow the cash paid out to SS, if sometime not too far off the brokers understood the errors in the two agreements and request to stop the agreement, particularly if at all he is a fake individual. Respecting the agreement likewise gives him legitimate rights to decrease obligation to the agreement, and he may decide not to send the items by any means, or send an alternate item, ingots rather than 51 steel ingots to the purchaser (Bamford, 2011) By declining to respect this Letter of Credit, I would host to ask the two gatherings to the agreement to audit the subtleties of their agreement. I would request that they make changes to the agreement and amend the errors before the bank can discharge any installment upon the request made. For example, I would send a letter to MM educating him regarding the distinction in portrayal of the merchandise between the Contract of offer and the Letter of Credit. This implies the products that the letter of credi requests installment upon are not similar ones talked about in the agreement of offer. In this way, he needs to explain which merchandise he is paying for, and what is the worthy market cost of these products. It may likewise

Friday, August 21, 2020

Ultimate Guide to Unit Economics

Ultimate Guide to Unit Economics The study of economics is not really something that we can get away from; it is in every aspect of our daily lives, although in varying scale. If you are involved in business, understanding unit economics is very important. However, not everyone is all that keen on the idea of studying economics. It does sound, after all, like a complicated subject. Especially when taken in the context of analyzing the performance of a company and predicting its growth potential, it sounds like a very difficult task to accomplish.If you look at the practice of most analysts, you will find that they are looking at the financials of businesses on a company-wide basis, or even referring to industry and market trends. However, the predictive value is much higher when analysis is done on a unit-level basis, or through unit economic analysis. © | retrorocketIn the succeeding discussions, we will be looking deeper into the concept of unit economics in order to understand 1) the unit economics  and 2) unit economics analysis.UNIT ECONOMICSUnit economics is defined as the “direct revenues and costs associated with a particular business model, and are specifically expressed on a per unit basis”. Some even go so far as say that unit economics are the fundamental or basic financial building blocks of a business. It is the starting point for management, outside analysts, investors, and other stakeholders to analyze, evaluate or assess a company’s financial performance.All businesses work around a financial model that is designed specifically according to their key assumptions and for the accomplishment of their organizational goals. A lot of resources go into making sure that all the bases are covered, from their product to the market that they are in. However, there is one other factor that should always be taken into account: the company’s economics, and if it is reasonable under the circumstances.Startups or businesses that are relatively new and just getting off the ground are sure to feel daunted by the thought of having to look into the economics of their financial model. That is why unit economics is very helpful. This way, the intimidating and seemingly large and long-winding process is broken down into smaller, more manageable tasks. By using a unit economics model, work can be divided, attention can be distributed equally among all the important points, and the job can be done.By gaining an understanding of unit economics,The key points of a business’ financial model will make more sense;Management will have an easier time determining break-even points and contribution margins, to aid in decision-making;Calculation of return on investment and other profitability tests will be facilitated; andForecasting or predicting the future profitability of the company will be easi er.UNIT ECONOMICS ANALYSISIdentify the UnitWe have already determined that unit economics figures are expressed on a per unit basis. Therefore, the first thing you should do when it comes to analyzing a company’s unit economics is to pick, determine, or identify the unit.The “unit” is the fundamental business measurement, and it will depend on the nature of the company or business operations. Here are some examples:Merchandising or manufacturing company: Usually, the unit is the customer, but the unit can also be based on a product segment. Therefore, one customer is one unit. A bag retail store’s unit is a buyer, while the unit of a shoe manufacturer is a purchaser of shoes.Service provider: One client represents one unit. The unit of an internet service provider is a user.The examples above described companies with single units. That is not a fixed setup, though, since there are some businesses that have multiple units.Infrastructure service provider: There are instances w hen a provider’s service is made available in different geographical locations. Telecommunications companies, for instance, have their physical infrastructure, such as wireless towers and data centers, distributed in various places. It follows that each of these physical infrastructure come attached with significant capital investment. In this case, the unit is not just the customer, but also physical infrastructure itself. In cases where there are multiple units, it is advised that a core unit be identified, with the other units designated as secondary units.Identify the Fundamental Unit EconomicsOnce the unit has been determined and clearly pinned down, it is time to identify the exact unit economics of the business.One of the examples previously mentioned was the internet service provider. This company’s unit is the user, and it has two fundamental unit economics:Cost to acquire or recruit one user (or the Cost per Acquisition). This answers the question, “how much will the company spend in order to get one user to avail of its internet service?”The amount of revenue generated from one user for the entire length of time that he or she avails of and uses your internet service. This is also called LTV, or Customer Lifetime Value.In the case of a retail store, its unit economics will be concerned with the amount of revenue generated every month for every active buyer that it was able to acquire or recruit. Some express it as “average monthly revenue per customer” or “average weekly revenue per customer”, depending on the period used by the company for its unit economics analysis.Perform Calculations: Inflows and OutflowsNow that you were able to identify your unit and the levels of unit economics applicable to your business, it is time to proceed to the calculations in order to build your unit economic model. There are several inputs that are required in your calculations, and they are classified according to what you are calculating: inflow or outflow.1. Inflow inputsRevenueRevenue refers to the receipts or income that a company receives and earns from its normal operations or business activities, be it the sale of products or of services. While it is true that there are also revenue derived from non-operating sources, these are often one-time events only and non-recurring. Thus, they are not usually considered when analyzing the profitability and financial performance of a business.For easier understanding, it would be a good idea to present in relative detail the various revenue drivers of the business. The most common revenue drivers include the following:The customersWho are your customers?How many customers does the business have?What do you do to attract new customers?What are you doing to foster customer loyalty and keep them coming back?Frequency of purchase or transaction by the customersHow often does the customer buy your product or service?What do you do to encourage customers to buy more frequently?Size of t he transactionWhat is the average transaction size?How big is the order?How many products or services are purchased or availed of?What do you do to encourage customers to buy more?PriceHow much are you selling your product or service for?How much is the customer paying for the product or service?What pricing strategies do you have in place?DurationThis input refers to the usable life of the unit that you have previously identified.In the example where the unit is the customer or the user, the duration is the average customer or user life or lifetime. In the telecommunications company example, the duration is the useful life of the physical asset (wireless tower or data center) that was set up.It could be expressed in months or years, depending on the coverage or period you want to analyze your business viability.2. Outflow inputsCapital Expenditures (CapEx)Capital expenditures are expenditures incurred by a company that has an impact on the future of the business as a whole. The mos t common CapEx transactions involve the purchase of fixed assets or a business segment, major repair or upgrade of a fixed asset that extends its useful life, or construction of a new fixed asset.A clear distinction must be made between CapEx and Revenue Expenditures. Revenue expenditure are the operating expenses that are incurred by the business over the short-term, most often over the normal operating cycle of the business, and do not essentially prolong the life of assets or their usability.For example, the construction of a new factory building is a capital expenditure; the salaries of the cleaning staff of the building are revenue expenditures. Replacement of the roof of the factory building will fall under capital expenditures; the repair of a couple of broken roof tiles will be classified as revenue expenditures.Cost per Acquisition (CPA) or Cost to Acquire a Customer (CAC)This is the initial cost incurred by the business to acquire or recruit a customer. Its components incl ude the variable costs of selling, marketing expenses and other costs that can be directly identified with activities that are aimed at acquiring customers and persuading them to purchase the company’s product or service.The costs will depend on the customer lifecycle or conversion behavior, so they will naturally vary from industry to industry and company to company.In the example of an internet company that sells applications and widgets, the CAC will include the following costs:Cost of investment in a search engine marketing campaignCost of advertising in social media networks (Facebook, Twitter)Let us assume that the company invested $1,000 in a search engine marketing campaign, and $500 in online advertising. At the end of the month, statistics showed that 450 visitors clicked on the offer from the marketing campaign, and 100 from the social media platforms. That means that the company has spent $2.72 ($1,500 / 550 visitors) for each visitor or potential customer. This is the Cost per Visitor.Out of the total 550 visitors, 200 purchased a widget or an app from the company. Those 200 visitors have been successfully converted into customers. This means that the company has a conversion rate of 40%, computed by dividing the 550 visitors by the 200 purchasing customers.To get the final CPA or CAC, divide the cost per visitor by the conversion rate.Cost per Acquisition     = $2.72 / 40%     = $6.80Marginal Operating CostsThese are the ongoing costs incurred by the business to continue serving the customer (and keep him). In the case of an infrastructure business, it is the cost that is continuously incurred by the business to operate the physical infrastructure unit over its life. For example, it includes the cost of repairs and maintenance of the data centers and wireless towers over their respective useful lives.Maintenance Capital ExpendituresThese are specifically applicable to infrastructure businesses and other similar entities that identified phys ical assets or infrastructures as their core unit. It is a reality that the value of physical assets decrease over time, so maintenance costs or maintenance capital expenditures should be factored into the unit economics of the business. Although the expenditures do not necessarily increase the life of the assets, they keep it operating while meeting a certain standard of quality already expected of the asset.Perform Calculations: The Contribution MarginUsing the inputs enumerated above, you will be able to start your calculations, starting with the Contribution Margin.The Contribution Margin is the figure that represents the amount that the company’s revenues will contribute to its fixed costs and net income, after all variable expenses and costs have been deducted. Another simple description of it would be as the amount of cash that a unit contributes to cover the overhead and other fixed expenses of the business.Contribution margin is especially important in unit economic model s â€" and all business models as a whole â€" because it is also a representation of the profitability of individual products, of entire product lines or business segment, and of the whole business.The key computations are as follows:Contribution Margin                                             =                       Revenue â€" Variable CostsContribution Margin Ratio                       =                         (Revenue â€" Variable Costs) / RevenueBy computing the contribution margin, you will be able to know the number of months it would take for a unit to produce a positive contribution margin.Illustration:The bag retail store’s unit is a single customer. It has been determined that one customer purchases an average of one bag per month, at an average price of $100. On average, a customer remains loyal to the store for 12 months. For the first month, there were 125 customers, increasing by 10% in the succeeding months. The computed variable cost per bag is $65, while the store incurs monthly fixed expenses of $6,000.Contribution margin per bag=$100 $65=$35Total contribution margin=$12,500 $8,125=$4,375Contribution margin ratio=$ 35 / $100=35%Perform Calculations: The Break-even PointIn a customer-oriented business that has identified a customer as its unit, the break-even point analysis will help them figure out how many customers are needed in order to break even, and then turn up a profit. The break-even point is the level of sales where the costs will equal the revenue, so that the company is neither earning an income nor incurring a loss.Continuing from the earlier illustration, the break-even point is computed as follows:Break-even point (in sales)=Fixed Costs / Contribution margin ratio=$6,000 / 35%=$17,143In order to break even, 172 customers should purchase one bag at $100 at the store ($17,143 / $100 per bag = 172 customers).From the assumption stated, the following figures can be estimated as to the number of customers per month.Month 1 125 customersMonth 2138 customersMonth 3152 customersMonth 4168 customersMonth 5185 customersMonth 6204 customersThe break-even computation indicates that the company will only break even on the 5th month, and even turn a profit by then. Take a look at the summarized table below.Month 1Month 2Month 3Month 4Month 5Month 6Sales12,50013,80015,20016,80018,50020,400Variable Costs(8,125)(8,970)(9,880)(10,920)(12,025)(13,260)Cont. Margin4,3754,8305,3205,8806,4757,140Fixed Costs(6,000)(6,000)(6,000)(6,000)(6,000)(6,000)Income (Loss)(1,625)(1,170)(680)(120)4751,140The table indicates that the store will sustain a loss in its first 4 months. Somewhere halfway through the 5th month, it will reach its break-even point, and by the end of Month 5, will have turned up a profit.CONCLUSIONForecasting is one of the many activities that businesses cannot do without, and unit economics forecasting is seen as one of the key metrics and best tools for management to come up with decisions for its business operations. Thus, it is important for you to make unit economics as an integral part of your business model.Performing financial analysis, or trying to see if your business engine is working as it should, will not be easy if you do not have a unit economic model in place. If you plan on taking your business all the way, and you have long-term goals for it, it is even more imperative to build your own unit economic model.Unit economics will help management to perform pertinent calculations to ultimately reveal the viability of the business. Making management decisions is left in the shoulders of management, and they will need all the unit economic model as basis for their decisions.[slideshare id=37137015doc=uniteconfinancials-140718145547-phpapp01]

Ultimate Guide to Unit Economics

Ultimate Guide to Unit Economics The study of economics is not really something that we can get away from; it is in every aspect of our daily lives, although in varying scale. If you are involved in business, understanding unit economics is very important. However, not everyone is all that keen on the idea of studying economics. It does sound, after all, like a complicated subject. Especially when taken in the context of analyzing the performance of a company and predicting its growth potential, it sounds like a very difficult task to accomplish.If you look at the practice of most analysts, you will find that they are looking at the financials of businesses on a company-wide basis, or even referring to industry and market trends. However, the predictive value is much higher when analysis is done on a unit-level basis, or through unit economic analysis. © | retrorocketIn the succeeding discussions, we will be looking deeper into the concept of unit economics in order to understand 1) the unit economics  and 2) unit economics analysis.UNIT ECONOMICSUnit economics is defined as the “direct revenues and costs associated with a particular business model, and are specifically expressed on a per unit basis”. Some even go so far as say that unit economics are the fundamental or basic financial building blocks of a business. It is the starting point for management, outside analysts, investors, and other stakeholders to analyze, evaluate or assess a company’s financial performance.All businesses work around a financial model that is designed specifically according to their key assumptions and for the accomplishment of their organizational goals. A lot of resources go into making sure that all the bases are covered, from their product to the market that they are in. However, there is one other factor that should always be taken into account: the company’s economics, and if it is reasonable under the circumstances.Startups or businesses that are relatively new and just getting off the ground are sure to feel daunted by the thought of having to look into the economics of their financial model. That is why unit economics is very helpful. This way, the intimidating and seemingly large and long-winding process is broken down into smaller, more manageable tasks. By using a unit economics model, work can be divided, attention can be distributed equally among all the important points, and the job can be done.By gaining an understanding of unit economics,The key points of a business’ financial model will make more sense;Management will have an easier time determining break-even points and contribution margins, to aid in decision-making;Calculation of return on investment and other profitability tests will be facilitated; andForecasting or predicting the future profitability of the company will be easi er.UNIT ECONOMICS ANALYSISIdentify the UnitWe have already determined that unit economics figures are expressed on a per unit basis. Therefore, the first thing you should do when it comes to analyzing a company’s unit economics is to pick, determine, or identify the unit.The “unit” is the fundamental business measurement, and it will depend on the nature of the company or business operations. Here are some examples:Merchandising or manufacturing company: Usually, the unit is the customer, but the unit can also be based on a product segment. Therefore, one customer is one unit. A bag retail store’s unit is a buyer, while the unit of a shoe manufacturer is a purchaser of shoes.Service provider: One client represents one unit. The unit of an internet service provider is a user.The examples above described companies with single units. That is not a fixed setup, though, since there are some businesses that have multiple units.Infrastructure service provider: There are instances w hen a provider’s service is made available in different geographical locations. Telecommunications companies, for instance, have their physical infrastructure, such as wireless towers and data centers, distributed in various places. It follows that each of these physical infrastructure come attached with significant capital investment. In this case, the unit is not just the customer, but also physical infrastructure itself. In cases where there are multiple units, it is advised that a core unit be identified, with the other units designated as secondary units.Identify the Fundamental Unit EconomicsOnce the unit has been determined and clearly pinned down, it is time to identify the exact unit economics of the business.One of the examples previously mentioned was the internet service provider. This company’s unit is the user, and it has two fundamental unit economics:Cost to acquire or recruit one user (or the Cost per Acquisition). This answers the question, “how much will the company spend in order to get one user to avail of its internet service?”The amount of revenue generated from one user for the entire length of time that he or she avails of and uses your internet service. This is also called LTV, or Customer Lifetime Value.In the case of a retail store, its unit economics will be concerned with the amount of revenue generated every month for every active buyer that it was able to acquire or recruit. Some express it as “average monthly revenue per customer” or “average weekly revenue per customer”, depending on the period used by the company for its unit economics analysis.Perform Calculations: Inflows and OutflowsNow that you were able to identify your unit and the levels of unit economics applicable to your business, it is time to proceed to the calculations in order to build your unit economic model. There are several inputs that are required in your calculations, and they are classified according to what you are calculating: inflow or outflow.1. Inflow inputsRevenueRevenue refers to the receipts or income that a company receives and earns from its normal operations or business activities, be it the sale of products or of services. While it is true that there are also revenue derived from non-operating sources, these are often one-time events only and non-recurring. Thus, they are not usually considered when analyzing the profitability and financial performance of a business.For easier understanding, it would be a good idea to present in relative detail the various revenue drivers of the business. The most common revenue drivers include the following:The customersWho are your customers?How many customers does the business have?What do you do to attract new customers?What are you doing to foster customer loyalty and keep them coming back?Frequency of purchase or transaction by the customersHow often does the customer buy your product or service?What do you do to encourage customers to buy more frequently?Size of t he transactionWhat is the average transaction size?How big is the order?How many products or services are purchased or availed of?What do you do to encourage customers to buy more?PriceHow much are you selling your product or service for?How much is the customer paying for the product or service?What pricing strategies do you have in place?DurationThis input refers to the usable life of the unit that you have previously identified.In the example where the unit is the customer or the user, the duration is the average customer or user life or lifetime. In the telecommunications company example, the duration is the useful life of the physical asset (wireless tower or data center) that was set up.It could be expressed in months or years, depending on the coverage or period you want to analyze your business viability.2. Outflow inputsCapital Expenditures (CapEx)Capital expenditures are expenditures incurred by a company that has an impact on the future of the business as a whole. The mos t common CapEx transactions involve the purchase of fixed assets or a business segment, major repair or upgrade of a fixed asset that extends its useful life, or construction of a new fixed asset.A clear distinction must be made between CapEx and Revenue Expenditures. Revenue expenditure are the operating expenses that are incurred by the business over the short-term, most often over the normal operating cycle of the business, and do not essentially prolong the life of assets or their usability.For example, the construction of a new factory building is a capital expenditure; the salaries of the cleaning staff of the building are revenue expenditures. Replacement of the roof of the factory building will fall under capital expenditures; the repair of a couple of broken roof tiles will be classified as revenue expenditures.Cost per Acquisition (CPA) or Cost to Acquire a Customer (CAC)This is the initial cost incurred by the business to acquire or recruit a customer. Its components incl ude the variable costs of selling, marketing expenses and other costs that can be directly identified with activities that are aimed at acquiring customers and persuading them to purchase the company’s product or service.The costs will depend on the customer lifecycle or conversion behavior, so they will naturally vary from industry to industry and company to company.In the example of an internet company that sells applications and widgets, the CAC will include the following costs:Cost of investment in a search engine marketing campaignCost of advertising in social media networks (Facebook, Twitter)Let us assume that the company invested $1,000 in a search engine marketing campaign, and $500 in online advertising. At the end of the month, statistics showed that 450 visitors clicked on the offer from the marketing campaign, and 100 from the social media platforms. That means that the company has spent $2.72 ($1,500 / 550 visitors) for each visitor or potential customer. This is the Cost per Visitor.Out of the total 550 visitors, 200 purchased a widget or an app from the company. Those 200 visitors have been successfully converted into customers. This means that the company has a conversion rate of 40%, computed by dividing the 550 visitors by the 200 purchasing customers.To get the final CPA or CAC, divide the cost per visitor by the conversion rate.Cost per Acquisition     = $2.72 / 40%     = $6.80Marginal Operating CostsThese are the ongoing costs incurred by the business to continue serving the customer (and keep him). In the case of an infrastructure business, it is the cost that is continuously incurred by the business to operate the physical infrastructure unit over its life. For example, it includes the cost of repairs and maintenance of the data centers and wireless towers over their respective useful lives.Maintenance Capital ExpendituresThese are specifically applicable to infrastructure businesses and other similar entities that identified phys ical assets or infrastructures as their core unit. It is a reality that the value of physical assets decrease over time, so maintenance costs or maintenance capital expenditures should be factored into the unit economics of the business. Although the expenditures do not necessarily increase the life of the assets, they keep it operating while meeting a certain standard of quality already expected of the asset.Perform Calculations: The Contribution MarginUsing the inputs enumerated above, you will be able to start your calculations, starting with the Contribution Margin.The Contribution Margin is the figure that represents the amount that the company’s revenues will contribute to its fixed costs and net income, after all variable expenses and costs have been deducted. Another simple description of it would be as the amount of cash that a unit contributes to cover the overhead and other fixed expenses of the business.Contribution margin is especially important in unit economic model s â€" and all business models as a whole â€" because it is also a representation of the profitability of individual products, of entire product lines or business segment, and of the whole business.The key computations are as follows:Contribution Margin                                             =                       Revenue â€" Variable CostsContribution Margin Ratio                       =                         (Revenue â€" Variable Costs) / RevenueBy computing the contribution margin, you will be able to know the number of months it would take for a unit to produce a positive contribution margin.Illustration:The bag retail store’s unit is a single customer. It has been determined that one customer purchases an average of one bag per month, at an average price of $100. On average, a customer remains loyal to the store for 12 months. For the first month, there were 125 customers, increasing by 10% in the succeeding months. The computed variable cost per bag is $65, while the store incurs monthly fixed expenses of $6,000.Contribution margin per bag=$100 $65=$35Total contribution margin=$12,500 $8,125=$4,375Contribution margin ratio=$ 35 / $100=35%Perform Calculations: The Break-even PointIn a customer-oriented business that has identified a customer as its unit, the break-even point analysis will help them figure out how many customers are needed in order to break even, and then turn up a profit. The break-even point is the level of sales where the costs will equal the revenue, so that the company is neither earning an income nor incurring a loss.Continuing from the earlier illustration, the break-even point is computed as follows:Break-even point (in sales)=Fixed Costs / Contribution margin ratio=$6,000 / 35%=$17,143In order to break even, 172 customers should purchase one bag at $100 at the store ($17,143 / $100 per bag = 172 customers).From the assumption stated, the following figures can be estimated as to the number of customers per month.Month 1 125 customersMonth 2138 customersMonth 3152 customersMonth 4168 customersMonth 5185 customersMonth 6204 customersThe break-even computation indicates that the company will only break even on the 5th month, and even turn a profit by then. Take a look at the summarized table below.Month 1Month 2Month 3Month 4Month 5Month 6Sales12,50013,80015,20016,80018,50020,400Variable Costs(8,125)(8,970)(9,880)(10,920)(12,025)(13,260)Cont. Margin4,3754,8305,3205,8806,4757,140Fixed Costs(6,000)(6,000)(6,000)(6,000)(6,000)(6,000)Income (Loss)(1,625)(1,170)(680)(120)4751,140The table indicates that the store will sustain a loss in its first 4 months. Somewhere halfway through the 5th month, it will reach its break-even point, and by the end of Month 5, will have turned up a profit.CONCLUSIONForecasting is one of the many activities that businesses cannot do without, and unit economics forecasting is seen as one of the key metrics and best tools for management to come up with decisions for its business operations. Thus, it is important for you to make unit economics as an integral part of your business model.Performing financial analysis, or trying to see if your business engine is working as it should, will not be easy if you do not have a unit economic model in place. If you plan on taking your business all the way, and you have long-term goals for it, it is even more imperative to build your own unit economic model.Unit economics will help management to perform pertinent calculations to ultimately reveal the viability of the business. Making management decisions is left in the shoulders of management, and they will need all the unit economic model as basis for their decisions.[slideshare id=37137015doc=uniteconfinancials-140718145547-phpapp01]

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Leadership Theory And Leadership Theories Essay - 1936 Words

The basis upon which effective leaders are empowered does not always equate with placing the right person in the position; in fact, the extent to which leadership theories merely provide an outline of what is expected of a good leader is both grand and far-reaching. Just as a simple job description only scratches the surface of finding the right employee, the overall impact of a leader cannot be solely hinged upon the oft-inadequate specifics of leadership theories. Anyone can follow the guidelines of a given leadership theory and carry out the compulsory specifications, however, there are myriad more innate qualifications to effective leadership than what can either be taught from or redeemed by a simple list of qualifications. II. THEORIES AND LEADERS Determining what it takes to become a good leader – receptively influential, compassionate, communicative, dynamic – has long been up for debate between/among those who support various theories. Two of the most examined theories, which call upon the inherent – and perhaps even genetic - aspects of leadership qualification – are the Great Man and Trait theories. The former relies upon a patriarchal disposition, while the latter draws from a viewpoint of such characteristics being inborn. Both theories conclude that leadership ability is born not made; however, the Great Man theory presumes this is acquired from family pedigree, while the Trait theory assigns a number of commonly shared characteristics that indicate aShow MoreRelatedTheories Of Leadership And Leadership Theories1234 Words   |  5 Pagesthat they lead. This case study aims to compare three of the more popular theories of leadership. These leadership theories are situational leadership, trait theory and transformational leadership. Summary of Theories Situational leadership, developed by professor Paul Hersey and author and consultant Ken Blanchard. Their approach was based off of a 1967 article by W.J. Reddin called The 3-D Management Style Theory. In his article, Reddin discusses the need to have different styles basedRead MoreLeadership Theory And Leadership Theories1659 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"Leadership is not about a title or a designation. It s about impact, influence and inspiration. Impact involves getting results, influence is about spreading the passion you have for your work, and you have to inspire team-mates and customers.†- Robin S. Sharma. For decades, leadership theories have been the source of numerous studies. In reality as well as in practice, many have tried to define what allows authentic leaders to stand apart from the mass! Hence, there as many theories on leadershipRead MoreLeadership And Its Theory Of Leadership883 Words   |  4 Pages Leadership Leadership has been around for thousands of years, yet experts are still unable to agree on a universal definition. Perhaps it is because leadership is a complex, multidimensional concept that continuously evolves. Nevertheless, explaining leadership and its theories and approaches is a monumental task (Henman, n.d.). According to Day and Antonakis (2012), leadership is essentially an influencing process. Its effectiveness largely depends on leadership behaviors and followers perceptionsRead MoreThe Theory Of Leadership Theory940 Words   |  4 PagesChapter sixteen discusses various leadership theories which can implemented by leaders to achieve success. The choice of leadership theory differs from leader to leader as they possess different vision and way of managing. A theory isn t always perfect in itself, it is the endless effort of the leaders which makes the theory a perfect one. Two approaches of leadership that I prefer are Situational Leadership Theory and Servant Leadership Theory. Among many theories I prefer these two because I tendRead MoreThe Theory Of Leadership Theory868 Words   |  4 PagesChapter sixteen discusses various leadership theories which can implemented by leaders to achieve success. The choice of leadership theory differs from leader to leader as they possess diff erent vision and way of managing. A theory isn t always perfect in itself, it is the endless effort of the leaders which makes the theory a perfect one. Two approaches of leadership that I prefer are Situational Leadership Theory and Servant Leadership Theory. Among many theories I prefer these two because I tendRead MoreTheories Of Leadership And Leadership974 Words   |  4 PagesTheories of Leadership Introduction It is true that leadership and leadership theories in general, are not scientifically precise in nature. For example, some may argue that going into an apprentice program have a higher level of task-relevance education and/or experience in the field you choose. A higher relevance than a degree in Liberal Arts. Thus, one must evaluate the apprentice program and accept the responsibility of doing the apprentice work. A degree in Liberal Arts scientifically, isRead MoreThe Theory Of Leadership Theory1411 Words   |  6 Pages I do not believe that there is such thing as a correct leadership theory, there I said it, I’ve been holding it in an jesus does it feel great to get it out. Haha what I do believe in is awesome people, people who treat other people great and treat themselves and their business, foundation or institution great now that’s what I believe in. So in the sake of great leaders I will be taking on prompt number two and constructing my own theory by using 3 examples from the book and 6 sources that I willRead MoreSituational Leadership Theory Of Leadership1542 Words   |  7 Pagespowerful people? What do they have that the average person does not? Well, that answer is leadership skills. They did not know when they were born that they were going to become big leaders, but as they were growing up they learned what skills it took to allow them to become different from everyone else and become leaders. As we all know there is no magic when it comes to leadership. You either have the leadership skills or you don’t. While it is a learned behavior that begins at almost birth and isRead MoreLeadership Theories Of Situational Leadership866 Words   |  4 Pagesidea behind one of today’s most talked about leadership theories: Situational Leadership. The model, which celebrates a multitude of leadership styles instead of a single solution, has been considered a transformative and essential new way to manage and to lead. But what does it mean to be a situational leader? Is it always beneficial to change your approach to leading the troops? In this guide, we’ll examine the development of situational leadership, study its core elements and discover the qualitiesRead MoreSituational Leadership Theory Of Leadership Essay1214 Words   |  5 PagesSituational leadership can be defined as a concept that helps understand leadership in terms of changing environment. Situational leadership theory was developed in 1969 by Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard. This type of leadership depends upon each individual situation. This theory requires an individual to analyze the needs according to a particular situation and then act towards it. Ability or maturity of the followers are equally important than leader who leads the situation. Situational leadership theory

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Globalization The Benefits Of Globalization - 1522 Words

The Benefits of Globalization Globalization is the process of changing from an isolated world to an integrated one through international cooperation in economics, politics, ideas, cultural values and the exchange of knowledge. It is the collaborations of countries in an effort to create more efficient trade practices and reduce cultural differences. As it spreads across the globe, people from all over the world can feel its various advantages. In an age where globalization is prevalent and constantly growing, there are heated debates on both the consequences and benefits of this concept. While many experts argue that globalization wrecks more havoc than it does good, their arguments are often remediable. Globalization creates opportunities for developing countries to reduce poverty, increase life expectancy, and promote global economic growth. Ever since World War II, globalization has often been linked to the United States. The United States of America has been traditionally seen as the lead actor of the implementation of globalization, with its free market and trade unions. However, as the United States pushed for globalization, Western corporations flocked to China. The economic floodgates of China opened, allowing globalization to spark in the country that quickly became the factory of the world. Ever since China stepped onto the path to globalization, whether or not this direction would widen the gap between the rich and poor has been hotly discussed. Some specialistsShow MoreRelatedThe Benefits Of Globalization1525 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"It has been said that arguing against globalization is like arguing against the laws of gravity† (Kofi Annan, Former Secretary General of the United Nations). Globalization has had and will continue to have a lasting impact on our modern every-day lives. While some United States citizens may not even be able to locate Beijing, China on a map, they sure do purchase many goods that were made there. Globalization is a concept with many meanings and interpretations that have made many people very confusedRead MoreBenefits of Globalization875 Words   |  3 PagesGlobalization Introduction Globalization is a term used in literature to refer to the increasing interconnectedness between markets in many countries. With the advantages of new technologies, assets and investments can now flow through international borders faster than they ever have at any point in history. Many corporations have taken advantage of the opportunities to expand internationally and operate on a multinational basis; some span the entire globe in their business operations. The levelRead MoreBenefits Of Globalization On Jobs891 Words   |  4 PagesOne of the main benefits of globalization is that it helps to develop trading amongst nations. Some may think that trade causes loss of jobs and believe that we should be more self reliant on our own production of goods. But, what they may not understand is trade comes with added benefits. To date the United States is the largest trading nation in the world. â€Å"Most imports have a lower cost and higher quality, and that improves our standard of living† (Marotta, 2003). It is the competitive pressuresRead MoreBenefits of Globalization Essay1552 Words   |  7 Pagesdescribe this process is globalization. Globalization is described as the process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations. This process is driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. This process has effects on the environment, culture, political systems, economic development and prosperity, and on human physical well-being in societies around the world. BENEFITS OF GLOBALISTION GlobalisationRead MoreGlobalization : A Benefit For America1343 Words   |  6 PagesGlobalization: A Benefit to America Globalization. What is it exactly? And why is there so much debate and controversy surrounding it? This topic has sparked protests all over the world. Like with many other topics, some support globalization and what it has accomplished. Others have hatred and believe it should not exist. Why do some people believe that globalization is an essential process and helps the economy immensely, while others see it as the root of pure evil and destruction? The answerRead MoreBenefits And Problems Associated With Globalization920 Words   |  4 PagesThis purpose of this paper is to provide a guideline for discussion of the benefits and problems associated with globalization. The following points will show that the idea of globalization is both positive and negative, while providing five examples of specific net gain and net problems. The following paper will briefly discuss each issue, provide a short summary to provide context, give a mechanism that could assist with managing the issue, a s well as identifying how each can help with the implementationRead MoreEssay on The Benefits and Drawbacks of Globalization1396 Words   |  6 PagesGlobalization can be defined as the ability to produce and good or service anywhere in the world using capital, technology and components from anywhere and to sell the output anywhere and place the profits anywhere - - Peter Jay, BBC Economics Corrospondent, 1996 Rather than lead to economic benefits for all people, economic globalization has brought the planet to the brink of environmental catastrophe, social unrest that is unprecedented, economies of most countries in shambles, an increaseRead MoreThe Benefits of Free Trade and Globalization527 Words   |  2 PagesEach year, globalization plays a more profound role in regards to the national economies of the world. Globalization has allowed for the expansion of corporations beyond their natural domestic limits. As such it has contributed to an increased standard of living for those who embrace its presence. Free trade therefore, is a welcomed addition within the overarching trend of globalization. Free trade allows for the transfer of goods and services when demanded by specific economies. It also allows theRead More The Benefits and Drawbacks of Globalization Essay3031 Words   |  13 Pagesliberalisation has been mixed as well. The benefits have been increased foreign investment into the country, increased flow of technology into the countries, and higher economic growth rates as a result. On the other hand, income inequality has worsened, most of the jobs that have come into these countries leave little room for future growth, there have been significant environmental costs. Economic theory suggests that in the long run, everyone will benefit from economic liberalisation, but at theRead MoreEffects of Globalization: Compensation and Benefits for Employees677 Words   |  3 PagesCompensation and Benefits The process of globalization has numerous significant effects on countries, organizations, and individuals. These effects can be observed in the quality of products, in their prices, but also in their availability. Because of globalization, numerous companies prefer to expand their business on international level. Some of them outsource some of their processes and activities to cheaper destinations that allow them to reduce their investments. But globalization also determines

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Deadly Mistake Uncovered on Plan of Action Essay Samples and How to Avoid It

A Deadly Mistake Uncovered on Plan of Action Essay Samples and How to Avoid It Plan of Action Essay Samples - What Is It? Much like all plans, you can't start to work on the solution whenever you do not understand what it is you're tackling. To be able to be certain that all the planned solutions can be implemented, it is crucial to assign someone who can oversee it. Each solution should have a minumum of one person that's accountable for it. The better strategy is to develop an action program. In any event, tracking your progress in contrast to your plan is able to help you adjust quickly once you identify challenges and opportunitiesit's one of the most effective things that you can do in order to grow your small business. At the exact same time, actual measurement is going to be done using both quantitative and qualitative strategies. You might also take a look at corrective action plan examples. An action plan identifies and decides which steps which you ought to take first or prioritize, in addition to when or where you will do it. Additionally, make certain that your action program is finished, clear, and current. It will be a breathing, living document, so be open to many changes along the way. If you build an action plan when you're ready to get started getting things done, it is going to provide you a blueprint for running your organization or initiative. Write down all the things which you will need to accomplish for the day. What things have to be carried out. Luckily, there are lots of things you may try. Details of Plan of Action Essay Samples My sights are set high because I want to earn a difference in the business and I believe that I am highly capable of being a very good steward in the capacity I seek to serve. The significant target of the plan therefore is to be sure that the hospital at any instance has 80% of its nursing personnel below the time of fourty decades. Although being a role model isn't required, you simply must conduct yourself in a professional fashion and make certain all your students achieve passing grade after the close of the semester or school year. As mentioned before, regardless of the many challenges you're going through, you still ought to get the respect of your students. As mentioned earlier, teachers have the most troublesome jobs on earth. Being a teacher demands dedication, hard work, perseverance, and a great deal of patience to be successful. Corrective and preventive action (CAPA) is an action a firm can take so as to reverse any incorrect actions of the business or course correct any negative direction it's heading to. All in all a corrective action program a part of a corporation's quality management system which intends to boost customer satisfaction. You can also have a look at career action plan examples. You may be interested in employee action plan examples. Don't forget that the labels aren't an overview of each topic, as only a quick description is necessary. Ultimately, there's a room to list the consequence of it all. The examples (in PDF format) in addition to the tips on the best way to make an action plan are all provided that you follow. Observing that lengthy list can be quite stressful. Steps should be suitably taken in order to produce an effective corrective action program. Pick out the type of Google Form you want to send. You can also see Plan Templates. Fourthly the Changing the project's scope needs to be reevaluated to make sure there is no derailment. Knowledge on the effective use of birth control needs to be availed through the media. Accountability In order to guarantee effective and effective delivery of outcomes, these personnel will manage each stage with no duplication of duties. Thus, start assessing each endeavor. While this non-confirmation may be the reason behind negative results on the organization, corrective action ought to be systematically implemented and monitored for the way it can eliminate additional recurrence. To define and state the issue, you are able to take note of what is going on and what's its perceived effect. The correct use of birth control begins when women are provided a feeling of freedom. Once you're aware of the issue, you sometimes take the measures to solve it.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Nethergrave vs. A Sound of Thunder Essay Sample free essay sample

You and I live in a universe were modernism is making new highs every twenty-four hours. One twenty-four hours that touchscreen phone is considered new. and so following hebdomad it’s old intelligence. These two narratives that I am traveling to compare are about the function of engineering. scientific discipline and how it affects me and you. Based on how it uses new engineering and modern scientific discipline A Sound of Thunder is a better sci-fiction narrative. When it comes to engineering. ‘A Sound of Thunder’ uses it better than ‘Nethergrave’ . In ‘Nethergrave’ the computing machine is the engineering and it doesn’t seem like a chief portion in the narrative until the terminal. ‘A Sound of Thunder’ uses a clip machine. This is an extract from the book – â€Å"†¦ . -1999! 1997! Gone! The Machine roared†¦Ã¢â‚¬  ( Bradbury pg. 289 ) . This tells you that the narrative includes a Time Machine and is sounds like some action is traveling on with it. We will write a custom essay sample on Nethergrave vs. A Sound of Thunder Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page However. ‘Nethergrave’ uses a computing machine as the chief portion of engineering. This is besides a portion from the narrative – â€Å"Two techno encephalons would transport in a bran-new computing machine †¦-â€Å" ( Skurzynski pg. 316 ) . The computing machine feels like a remnant it merely shows its importance in the terminal of the book. This is why I know ‘A Sound of Thunder’ uses the consequence of engineering is greater. When it comes to the development of the scene. Bradbury’s ‘A Sound of Thunder’ helps us to acquire to cognize location better and its consequence on the other elements of the narrative. Bradbury helps us visualise the scene with giving us the twelvemonth it puting is on. which is 2055. The narrative tells us that the edifice mark says – â€Å"TIME SAFARI. INC. SAFARIS TO ANY YEAR IN THE PAST†¦-â€Å" . This shows that it is set in the hereafter which is normally where clip machines are. In contrast ‘Nethergrave’ deficiency of puting committedness made the sci-fi narrative expression like it had three different secret plans. For case the narrative showed him being bullied. so his pa being absent. following on to him populating a dual life. and eventually to meeting and disappearance with ‘NetherMagus’ . The manner ‘Nethergrave’ develops is less effectual. In general. ‘A Sound of Thunder’s scene is more to the full developed. When it comes to the chief message ‘A Sound of Thunder’ is a batch more effectual. The chief message I interpreted from it was â€Å"be careful what you do. it could impact everyone in the long run† . An illustration is when the hunter/guide. Travis said â€Å"Well. what about the foxes that’ll need those mice to last? For privation of 10 mice a fox dies†¦-’’ . He is explicating to the readers that every small and little thing has an consequence on though you may non see it instantly. Conversely ‘Nethergrave’ didn’t have a message that you could see in mundane life. The secret plan was non fluxing with the narrative and it seemed like three different narratives lines/plot. ‘A Sound of Thunder’ have the best chief message overall that had a true significance. ‘A Sound of Thunder’ is better than ‘Nethergrave’ because the usage of engineering. function of scientific discipline and the chief message. Its function of engineering is alone and the function of scientific discipline is unusual. Its chief message was to ‘be careful’ because every small or large thing ‘has an consequence on person. somewhere’ . This message is true and can be incorporated in life every bit good as engineering. This is why I know that ‘A Sound of Thunder’ was an overall better pick of sci-fi fiction than ‘Nethergrave’ . Plants Cited * Skurzynski. Gloria. Nethergrave pg. 313-324* Bradbury. Ray. A Sound of Thunder pg. 287-301

Friday, April 3, 2020

Adoption why is it so hard free essay sample

Many people may be against single parent adoption for one main reason. They may think that the child needs a stable family environment with a mother and father. But however, the main purpose of adoption in addition of saving a life of a possible victim of abuse, neglect, and homelessness, is to provide children a loving and caring parent disregarding if the person who is adopting the child is a single mother, a single father or a couple. There are no scientific facts proving that a two-parent household is better for a child than a single parent household. However, single parents are usually of higher education and most of the times have higher incomes in comparison to the other countries average since most of the times, single parents dedicated most of their life, making a good economy, or just working hard to get the type of life they want to live. We will write a custom essay sample on Adoption: why is it so hard? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They have focused on their careers and have established a type of life and a stable home in which the upcoming child is free to grow without any restrictions and necessities. On the other hand, divorced parents most of the time are dealing with emotional and financial stress, which can negatively affect the child and his/her development since a childs mental state depends on the support that he/she receives within his or her home. Based on an article from New York Times, â€Å"Out of one-fifth of the nations 51.1 million Caucasian children, over half of the 9.8 million African American children and almost one-third of the 7 million Hispanic children live with one parent due to divorce and unwed mothers .Also according with ;a government official page, single parents would be able to adopt a child as long as they count on the help of a close friend, a family member, etc. that could be able to help the single parent to pick up the child from school if something unexpected happened, a reliable person that would answer the phone in the middle of the night and will come help if the single parent or the child is sick. In other words, according to the statistics shown above, there is no reason to discriminate against a single person for adopting a child when he or she is quite capable of providing a stable and nurturing environment since in all over the world. Also, adoption of a child from a single parent is valid when the parent count with the help of a reliable person that will go over to help you if something unexpected happen with the child or the parent.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Tips For Fighting Addiction In College

Tips For Fighting Addiction In College Mental Health Issues: Addiction in the Campus Partying hard and abusing addictive substances often accompanies the life of a college student. A lot of students start to lead a more conscious way of life after some years of such lifestyle or after graduating from the university. Unfortunately, for some students, it becomes a huge burden that turns into addiction. Addiction is defined as repeated abuse of a certain substance, which is characterized by continuity and obtrusiveness. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism:Around 80% of students who study in the college drink alcohol Near 50% of those students are binge drinkers 1,825 students die from injuries related to alcohol Assaults, sexual abuses, and aggressive behavior more frequently come from those whos been drinking Around 25% of those who have developed a regular drinking habit have academic problemsWith alarming stats like these, it becomes evident that addiction is an important issue and needs an urgent solution. Symptoms Of Addiction Students who became dependent on alcohol and drugs usually have the following symptoms:Being paranoid, anxious, stressed, or fearful for no reason Getting into troubles, fights, and conflicts Having impaired coordination and bloodshot eyes Needing to use more and more alcohol or drugs to get the same effects Negative change in the grooming habits and physical appearanceIf you experience some of the symptoms listed above, you may be addicted. If you notice that you are using alcohol or drugs in order to numb your negative emotions, you should contact the health center on your campus and consult a qualified specialist. Addictions need to be taken very seriously. Recognizing The Signs Of Addiction It may be difficult to differentiate when ones use of alcohol has turned from occasional to habitual. Besides, those who cant admit that they have an addiction will use all possible arguments to ensure you that theyre totally in control of their alcohol consumption. To understand if your friend has developed the destructive addiction, ask yourself the following list of questions:Is your friend drinking in order to drown his sorrow or for recreational reasons? Has their drinking or drug use influenced their relationships in a negative way? Have drugs and alcohol become one of the central themes of your friends life? Are there negative changes in their personality connected with drugs and alcohol consumption? Have you noticed some strange, unpleasant smell from their clothing, body, or breath? Do they feel uncomfortable or anxious when they cant get access to drugs or alcohol? Have any of the blood relatives of your friends had alcohol addiction? Have they ever lost the memory of the previous evening?It often happens that addicts dont want to confess that they have an addiction; therefore it is very important to observe their behavior and notice the alarming symptoms. If they receive a proper treatment in the earlier stages, they have a good chance of getting their conscious life back. If you want to warn your friend about the problem he or she has with addiction, find the time when they are sober and tell them that you have noticed some worrying changes about their behavior. Dont be judgmental, let your friend understand that you are concerned about their health, and explain the reason behind your concerns. Offer your help in solving the issues of addiction you can consult an online resource or go to your student health center with your friend. Resources To Help Treat Addiction Consult these resources to find out more about addiction and get help:National Institute for Drug Abuse Narcotics Anonymous Alcoholics Anonymous National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration Your Student Health CenterAddiction can turn into a serious problem if its not treated timely and correctly. Please, be very attentive to the addictive substances that you are using and never turn their use from recreational to habitual. Better stop using alcohol or drugs to relax. Consider such relaxation techniques as meditation and yoga that have a much more constructive influence on your body and mind.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Catch it Bin it Kill it Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Catch it Bin it Kill it - Essay Example The second aspect of NHS, as mentioned earlier, is communicating the problem to the public and making sure that they are aware of the issue in hand properly. Communicating the problem or increasing awareness becomes extremely critical in situations in which the problem at hand is risky, and taking action is urgent. Not dealing with or not communicating such a problem properly can lead to creating a hype among the public, and making the people who are not at risk of the problem worry about the problem, too. This is what has been named as the â€Å"worried well† people. Therefore, an important responsibility that government or any other concerned organization has is to communicate properly (House of Lords Select Committee on Communications, 2008-2009). Let the paper precisely see what does communicate properly mean. Firstly, it deals with deciding upon the target group or the group with the maximum level of risk. Selecting the right target group is critical as the later steps de pend upon it. Next step includes a well researched and a well thought-out script or content to be delivered. For this purpose, the organization needs to conduct a proper research and collect as much information about the problem in hand as possible. This includes deciding upon the research methodology and making sure that the right people conduct the research. The third important thing is to decide upon the communication channels i.e. deciding upon whether to use T.V., newspapers, pamphlets etc. It is important that the communication channels chosen be relevant with the target group selected. A mismatch in the communication channel and target group would lead to a total failure, as the message would not reach where it is supposed to reach. The last and an equally important thing is collecting feedback on the impact or effect of the communication made, and taking corrective measures if necessary. In other words, it includes checking out progress of the campaign periodically. Presence of all the above steps is necessary in order to make the communication effective. This paper specifically details the campaign named â€Å"Catch it, Bin it, Kill it†, which was conducted by NHS/Government in order to bring about public awareness about the sudden outbreak of Swine Flu after the first case was diagnosed earlier in 2009 (Jonathan Van-Tam, 2009, p. 189). Swine Flu was then a new thing; therefore, scientists were put to task of doing research as to what causes it and the ways to combat with this virus. After considerable research was done and some antibiotics were identified that would prove helpful in dealing with this virus; an awareness campaign was launched towards the end of 2009 with the name â€Å"Catch it! Bin it! Kill it!† This campaign had a well-researched content that included information about swine flu, measures taken by government, protective measures, symptoms of swine flu and ways and importance to keep oneself updated with news regarding swine flu (Smith, 2010). This campaign, if seen from a broader perspective, was a success with some loopholes too that can be pointed out. The main strengths of the campaign included its catchy slogan and its simplicity (Stephenson, 2009, p. 126). The slogan was not only simple, but it was functional at the same time. This is

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Southern Baptist Church Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Southern Baptist Church - Essay Example She being in the image of God as her husband and thus equal to him has the God-given responsibility to respect her husband and to serve as his helper in managing the household and nurturing the next generation." Another part of the document declares emphatically: "the office of pastor is limited to men as qualified by Scripture." To some church members, SBC is living in the past. Thus, at least 10 faculty members of the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and an unknown number of educators from five other SBC seminaries have reportedly left or were forced out of their jobs for refusing to sign the church document. Indeed, the women's fight for equality has come a long way since the Suffragists won the right to vote such that the meaning of women's "submission" to men may have changed significantly over time (Melick, 1998). Now, it is considered right and just for women to serve in the military, work in underground mines or fly an airplane (Hosken, 1981). Does the SBC edict agai nst women pastors belong to the dark ages when the prevailing culture expected women to be subordinate to men and very few women were as well educated as men The SBC in its Baptist Faith and Message acknowledges its commitment to gender equality, pointing out that men and women are of equal worth before God since both are created in God's image. Thus, both men and women are qualified for service in the church. However, the church maintains that the position of pastor is limited to men and women can only serve as helpers, the same way 10 of the 16 helpers in Paul's ministry were women as noted in the Apostle's letter to the Romans. According to SBC, its position on women pastors complies with the explicit teachings of the Scripture, which does not support the practice of allowing women to serve as pastors (Melick, 1998). On this subject, the SBC cited three reasons: 1) there were no women pastors in the New Testament times; 2) none of the instructions regarding church order include instructions for women pastors; and 3) some texts on church order explicitly forbid women to occupy the position of pastor. In effect, the church acknowledges that women have the same rights and privileges as men but in the same breath say that a woman cannot occupy a man's position, which at a glance seems to be contradictory. The church maintains that there is no contradiction here, as there is no contradiction when Paul in 1 Timothy 2:12 affirms the equality of men and women in salvation but equally and just as clearly affirms the priority of men in church leadership. In addition, the Bible says marriage is to be a companionship of equals (Genesis 2:24) and husband and wife have equal value as persons (Galatians 3:28). Nonetheless, the Scripture teaches a hierarchy of responsibilities, which is necessary for creation, time and our humaneness (SBC, 2000). In this organizational hierarchy, everyone needs to submit to someone else to maintain human order. The wife submits to her husband, while the husband submits to Jesus, who in turn submits to God. Each of them should then treat those who submit to them with respect. In this connection, Ephesian

Monday, January 27, 2020

Example Medicolegal Report

Example Medicolegal Report MEDICOLEGAL REPORT Prepared for the Court Claimant:Mrs A Address:Unspecified Date of Birth:1958 Occupation:Housewife Date of Accident:15 February 2005 Examining Doctor:Dr D Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist Statement of Instruction This report is prepared on behalf of the defendant, Dr D in connection with the complications following treatment of Endometriosis on Mrs A started from 23 April 2003. Case Summary Mrs A has suffered complications from foecal peritonitis and pulmonary embolism following the procedures of total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy for the treatment of endometriosis. Case Details Mrs A was referred by her GP and attended the clinic on 23rd April 2003. Mrs A was complaining of constant, severe abdominal pain, per vaginal bleeding with irregular cycles for 2 months with a background history of tubal ligation in 1999. Dr D was unsure of the diagnosis as to whether it was due to endometriosis, polycystic ovarian disease, or tubal infection associated with the previous tubal ligation. Therefore Mrs A was admitted, prescribed with painkiller (Pethidine), and booked for laparoscopy the next day. The result of laparoscopy confirmed active endometriosis with 2 small fibroids and medical treatment of GnRH analogue (Zoladex) was discussed with Mrs A and agreed. Mrs A treatment was then to be reviewed in November 2003. On 5th November 2003, Mrs A attended the clinic and her medication was changed from GnRH analogue to Medroxyprogesterone acetate (Provera). On review in 4th February 2004, Mrs A was not happy with Provera and the prescription was reverted back to Zoladex. On review in 14th July 2004, side effects due to prolonged use of Zoladex were explained and she agreed to start on combined oral contraceptive pills (COCP). On 24th Novemeber 2014, Mrs A came in complaining of severe pain not resolved with COCP and painkiller. Surgical treatment was discussed and she was booked for operation for the removal of uterus, cervix, Fallopian tubes, and ovaries called â€Å"Total Abdominal Hysterectomy and Bilateral Salpingo-Oophorectomy (TAH/BSO)† in February 2005 and for the meanwhile she was also prescribed with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug Mefenamic acid (Ponstan) and an opioid analgesics tramadol (Zydol) to relieve the pain. On 15th February 2005, Mrs A was admitted to the hospital for TAH/BSO. On 16th February 2005, Mrs A complained of pleuritic chest pain, shortness of breath, fever, and sweating. On examination she was tachycardic, and on auscultation, there were coarse crackles on the right base of the lung and fine crackles on the left base. She was commenced on antibiiotics without delay – ciprofloxacin and gentamycin together with an anticoagulant low molecular weight heparin – Innohep post-surgery. On 17th February 2005, CT pulmonary angiogram confirmed pulmonary embolism on the right side with possibility on the left side. She was commenced on warfarin and Innohep was continued until INR stabilized. On 18th February 2005, Mrs A complained of non-pleuritic chest pain, numbness going down on the left arm and up into the neck, and tenderness over the left axilla. Cultures showed positive Gram negative coccobacili. Antibiotics treatment was continued and respiratory consult was obtained. On 21st February 2005, cultures showed anaerobic organism that usually comes from the gut – Prevotella loescheii. The antibiotic course was changed to include metronidazole. On 23rd February 2005, radiology report confirmed the diagnosis of foecal peritonitis. Stomatherapy was discussed and anaesthetic consult was obtained. This was day 9 post-TAH/BSO and Hartmann procedure was done to treat the peritonitis. On 24th February 2005, antibiotic treatment of cephalosporin (Cephradine), metronidazole, and gentamycin were continued. The Results of Investigation Mrs A was diagnosed endometriosis through laparoscopy and 2 small fibroids were also found. It was confirmed from the histopathology report. Pulmonary embolism was diagnosed through radiological findings on CTPA and increased in D-dimer while sepsis was identified from the blood culture. Peritonitis was suspected from the finding of anaerobes on culture and clinical signs and symptoms together with CT scan of the abdomen formed the diagnosis of foecal peritonitis. The Nature of Treatments Received by the Claimant Endometriosis When Mrs A first diagnosed with endometriosis, she was treated by medical treatments – GnRH analogue for 6 months, then changed to Medroxyprogesterone for the next 4 months, back to GnRH analogue for another 6 months afterwards, and changed to Combined OCP. Mrs A condition was getting worse and surgical option of TAH/BSO was decided. Pulmonary Embolism (PE) and Sepsis Mrs A was prescribed with antibiotics and anticoagulant when lower respiratory tract infection or PE was suspected. When PE was confirmed, she was already on anticoagulant (Innohep). Warfarin was prescribed after the diagnosis made and antibiotics were continued due to suspected pneumonia or sepsis. The next day, blood culture result was out and confirmed positive. Peritonitis Mrs A was suspected of having sepsis and once culture showed the presence of anaerobes from the gut (Prevatella loescheii), metronidazole was prescribed to cover the anaerobic bacteria. When bowel perforation and foecal peritonitis were confirmed, surgery was carried out to clean up the abdominal cavity. Antibiotics, painkiller, and anticoagulant were continued post-surgery. Opinion on the Patient Management It was a regretful incident that Mrs A suffered complication from peritonitis secondary to bowel perforation, either secondary to adverse event where the operating surgeon unintentionally cut the bowel or due to advanced endometriosis. My review of the managements of this patient from her initial presentation of endometriosis are they are evidence-based, performed in a timely manner, and displayed the knowledge and action of an experienced clinician, and that the complications aroused were less likely due to poor management of the patient. In 1999, Mrs A underwent a laparoscopic tubal ligation and during the operation, there was suspected retrograde menstruation found which may possibly suggest endometriosis. It was in 2003 that the patient was actually diagnosed with endometriosis. However, this could be common where there was delay between the onset of symptoms and the diagnosis of the disease. There is no difference in the delay in diagnosis between mild to moderate and severe endometriosis. In a comparison study conducted in UK and US, the average delay before the diagnosis of endometriosis was 7.5 years and this will likely decreases the women’s capability to cope with the symptoms in which they would present to the formal healthcare [Ruth Hadfield, 1996]. The clinical evaluation of Mrs A was done in a sufficient and timely manner as the diagnosis of endometriosis was suspected in the first presentation since this will usually require high index suspicion due to the wide variety of symptoms and unpredictable course of disease (Lobo, 2007). Video-assisted laparoscopy was also carried out in the second day of admission showing that the clinician involved has a very high suspicion index of endometriosis from the beginning, as laparoscopy is the gold standard to reach a definitive diagnosis of endometriosis. [Bagan et al, 2003] The approach of the management of endometriosis was done properly and the choice of medical treatment as opposed to surgical treatment is wise. Unlike surgery for cancer, Adamson GD (1997) and Sutton et al (1997) said that in the case of endometriosis, surgery is relatively more effective for severe endometriosis rather than in mild cases such as in those with chronic pelvic pain and infertility and because of that, medical treatment is much preferable in the first presentation of endometriosis apart from it being non-invasive. A Canadian study of more than 53 000 admissions showed that 25% patients who had surgical treatment would need another surgery within 4 years and 10% would require hysterectomy and therefore, continual medical management is much preferred over serial surgeries [Weir et al, 2005]. Alifano (2003) mentioned that the prescription of GnRH analogue is recommended as it may have both diagnostic and therapeutic values. The prescription of not more than 6 months in this case was also supported by clinical literatures and Royal College of Obstetrician and Gynaecology (RCOG) guideline as the treatment may result in loss of 6% bone mineral density in the first 6 months [RCOG, 2006]. Extended treatment may result in further loss of bone minerals. Falcone (2011) recommended the commencement of combined oral contraceptive pills (COCP) following the cessation of GnRH analogue and therefore, the choice of COCP after GnRH analogue in this case was also supported by clinical evidence. Shakiba et al (2008) also described the usage of COCP as cost-effective, well tolerated, and clinically effective as danazol and GnRH analogue. The medical treatment is initially acceptable for this patient as earlier laparoscopy in June 2003 showed adhesions between the omentum and uterus with multiple spots of endometriosis and thick, stale, reddish green blood while the later microscopy findings in February 2005 showed well bordered white lesion and occasional white coloured spots that may be suggestive of healed or inactive lesions which should reduce the likelihood of invasive treatment. Brosens (1994) believed that the early and very active lesion would be in red, active and advanced lesion in black, and inactive or healed lesion in white, even though this might be varied from case to case. It is worth to note that there is currently no cure for endometriosis as current treatments aim at symptoms relief such as pain and infertility and organ damage prevention in severe cases. There is no randomized clinical trial comparing medical with surgical treatments; therefore the change of medical to surgical treatment has its own advantages and disadvantages [Sally et al, 2013]. From the record, there was a gap between the patient presentation of severe pain not improving with painkiller and COCP to the last clinic before surgery in November 2004 and the booked surgery in February 2005. This may be justified by non-invasive over invasive management; for example managing the pain by prescribing stronger painkiller such as in this case, tramadol. Since there is no relationship between the severity of pain with the severity of endometriosis, short delay in deciding on hysterectomy or watchful waiting may be an advantage for the patient and the clinician as well to see if there woul d be any improvement. Apart from that, there was no guarantee that surgery may treat the endometriosis. The decision of TAH/BSO was also recommended in this case as the preservation of one or both ovaries in some women may have left the problems with endometriosis behind. Whether the hysterectomy being subtotal or total, it would definitely improve the quality of life of this patient and thus should be considerable decision by the clinician. [Thakar et al, 2004] Even though all precautions and preventive measures have been made, while incidence of internal organ injury is rare, however it does happen especially when the risk is higher in the patient with history of pelvic infection, endometriosis, and adhesive diseases [John, 1997]. However, considerations that need to be taken into account is whether the complications aroused were due to an adverse event such as bowel perforation from the surgery, expected complication arising from the condition such as secondary to adhesions from endometriosis, or the combination of both. The risk of bowel perforation in this open abdominal surgery is much lowered compared to scope-assisted hysterectomy. Bowel injuries happen in about 0.2-1% of cases and primarily due to adhesions involving bowel or cutting within the pouch of Douglas – the space between rectum and uterus. Therefore, it was difficult to expect that this case was to be an addition to the 0.2-1% risk in the study. (Gary et al, 2004) Infection is a common complication following abdominal hysterectomy carrying the risk of 6-25%. Above all, about 33% of patients develop infection after the operation regardless of careful precautions taken [Rice et al, 2006]. Other than infection, severe complications that may occur involve lung collapse, heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, and clotting in the blood vessel (ie pulmonary embolism- clot blockage in the lung) with 4% risk. Greer (1997) mentioned that the risk of developing pulmonary embolism in patient following major general or gynaecologic surgery without clot prevention treatment (thromboprophylaxis) is very low at 0.2-0.9% while in another study, the risk of pulmonary embolism for patient receiving clot prevention treatment of anticoagulants is 0.2%. Therefore, this is a rare severe complication of abdominal hysterectomy that less expected to happen. Despite psychological effects following hysterectomy and prolonged hospitalisation, patient has benefit from the improvement in the quality of life in longer term. And even though multiple complications resulted from the procedure, most women are quite satisfied with the results of the surgery and with the significant symptom relief they experience [Kjerulff et al, 2000]. Conclusion Complications after surgery despite their rareness does happen and this was unexpected incident befall upon Mrs A. However, I believed Dr D, within his capabilities, has managed Mrs A with acceptable, sufficient, and evidence-based methods from the initial treatment until the last resort of hysterectomy to prevent any complications from happening. Duty of an Expert I understand my duty is to the Court; to help the Court on matters within my expertise, and I have complied with that. I understand that this duty over-rides any obligations to those by whom I have been instructed. I believe that the facts I have stated in the report are true and within my own knowledge and that the opinions I have expressed represent my professional opinion. BIBLIOGRAPHY Brosens I. Is mild endometriosis a progressive disease? Human Reproduction 1994; 9: 2209–2211. Adamson GD. Treatment of endometriosis-associated infertility. Seminars in Reproductive Endocrinology 1997; 15: 263–271. Sutton CJG, Pooley AS Ewen SP. 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Sunday, January 19, 2020

Schneck vs United States :: essays research papers

Schenck vs. United States- 1919 HOLLIES, J. This is an indictment in three counts. The first charges a conspiracy to violate the Espionage Act of June 15, 1917 . . . by causing and attempting to cause insubordination, &c., in the military and naval forces of the United States, and to obstruct the recruiting and enlistment service of the United States, when the United States was at war with the German Empire, to wit, that the defendants willfully conspired to have printed and circulated to men who had been called and accepted for military service under the Act of May 18, 1917, a document set forth and alleged to be calculated to cause such insubordination and obstruction. The count alleges overt acts in pursuance of the conspiracy, ending in the distribution of the document set forth. . . . They set up the First Amendment to the Constitution forbidding Congress to make any law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, and bringing the case here on that ground have argued some other points also of which w e must dispose. It is argued that the evidence, if admissible, was not sufficient to prove that the defendant Schenck was concerned in sending the documents. According to the testimony Schenck said he was general secretary of the Socialist party and had charge of the Socialist headquarters from which the documents were sent. He identified a book found there as the minutes of the Executive Committee of the party The book showed a resolution of August 13, 1917, that 15,000 leaflets should be printed on the other side of one of them in use, to be mailed to men who had passed exemption boards, and for distribution. Schenck personally attended to the printing. On August 20 the general secretary's report said, "Obtained new leaflets from printer and started work addressing envelopes" &c.; and there was a resolve that Comrade Schenck be allowed $125 for sending leaflets through the mail. He said that he had about fifteen or sixteen thousand printed. There were files of the circular in questio n in the inner office which he said were printed on the other side of the one sided circular and were there for distribu|tion. Other copies were proved to have been sent through the mails to drafted men. With; out going into confirmatory details that were l proved, no reasonable man could doubt that the defendant Schenck was largely instrumental in sending the circulars about.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

To Be Human Is To Discuss

There were only 100 years without war in the whole history of human civilization! Iraq and Kuwait had had a long standing, but low level, border dispute over a pair of Persian Gulf islands. No preventative diplomacy was employed during this period of escalation, and Kuwait was invaded in August of 1990. more than 200 people lost their lives. In Vietnam war the total amount of casualties is more than 1,800 million people. In Rwanda after April 6, 1994, 800,000 men, women, and children perished in the Rwandan genocide, perhaps as many as three quarters of the Tutsi population.Although the Rwandans are fully responsible for the organization and execution of the genocide, governments and peoples elsewhere all share in the shame of the crime because they failed to prevent and stop this killing campaign. Not only did international leaders reject what was going on, but they also declined for weeks to use their political and moral authority to challenge the legitimacy of the genocidal govern ment. When international leaders finally voiced disapproval, the genocidal authorities listened well enough to change their tactics although not their ultimate goal.Far from cause for satisfaction, this small success only highlights the tragedy: if weak protests produced this result in late April, imagine what might have been the result if in mid-April the entire world had spoken out. Syria now is bogged down in endless killing. Early in the uprising, Western support might have ousted Mr Assad and preserved Syria’s sectarian harmony. , but the West held back. Now, after more than 110,000 people have died during 30 months of violence, it is too late. Like many civil-war leaders Mr Assad prefers to prolong the fighting rather than risk compromise.The rebels, too, battle on in the knowledge that surrender is likely to mean death. Guys,we live in the 21 century and the humans became so developed that we can tell GOOGle what to GOOgle with our voice but we still fight even more ho rribly than centuries ago. why do wars still occur then? Wars occur when negotiations fail or don’t even take place. The talks fail when one or more of the parties refuse to participate in negotiations. There are 4 most common reasons for such refusals- 1) that the refusing party thinks that it can get a better outcome by some other means-usually through force.2)they fear they will be forced to accept unwanted compromises. If parties think they will have to compromise their values, or give up their chance to obtain their fundamental needs, they will refuse to participate in any negotiation. 3)that parties may refuse to negotiate because they make think that the negotiations are a waste of time and are destined to fail. 4)A final reason why parties may refuse to negotiate is that they are so angry with the other group that they are not even willing to sit down at a table , because they do not want to grant them the legitimacy that such an act would imply.These reasons are not sensible enough to risk thousands of human lives. The main reason why the man got ahead of the mammals is thanks to the intensive development and differentiation of the cerebral cortex. But even the mammals don’t kill each other whereas it’s not uncommon for us to do this. We really differ from mammals and need to understand that the power of the word is immense and the only way for us to remain human beings is to discuss. All these bloodstained wars are not the inability to discuss, but just the unwillingness.While war has created more separation between Arab world and the West, negotiations could have improved the relationships and found long-term solution. the only way to stop the continuous fight in Syria is through negotiations. The Economist suggests that The effort is worth it—about 40% of civil wars end through negotiation. And to pave the way for negotiated solutions, parties should have clear understanding of their interests, acknowledge their interdep endence by considering both short-term and long-term interests, and recognize that their interests are not incompatible.The parties should also reject the attempt to frame negotiations as talk with a madman. Negotiations are about finding common ground with the opponent, but not judging personal qualities of the negotiator. And the thing that the parties should understand best of all- is that they are humans and that as leaders they have to protect their people from war. Nothing in this world is more valuable than a human life. Let’s save it by discussion! It began to snow.. lightly at first, but then in large flakes. The wind started to howl,it was a snowstorm.In an instant the dark sky merged into an ocean of snow. Everything disappeared. The epigraph for Bulgacov’s â€Å"White Guardian† seems like a snowy night on December the 9th in Kiev. the protesters have blockaded streets and occupied municipal buildings, riot police have beaten demonstrators and journal ists, agent provocateurs have tried to discredit the crowd and thus to excuse the repression. The violence can get much worse but the both parties answers to the idea of talks are â€Å"we shall push a little bit more and everything will be OK†. Won’t it be only worse?